
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readJun 24, 2018

Self-Love 101

1. Acceptance — not entertaining what-ifs. Wishing for life to be anything other than what it is right now is escapism. We must accept things for the way they are and use the agency we have over our bodies to create the change we desire.

2. Forgiveness — not judging ourselves for past mistakes. Much of our suffering is self-inflicted. We can significantly improve our well-being if we choose to acknowledge that everything that has happened was necessary in making us who we are today.

3. Nutrition — nourishing the body & mind. We are what we choose to consume — if we feed our mouths junk foods and our minds negativity we will manifest poor mental health. Feeding ourselves positivity and foods that nourish the body creates peace of mind.

4. Hygiene — cleaning our home. Our bodies are the home we reside in whilst having this human experience. If we want the most out of life we must keep the body in working order and this requires regular maintenance — removing negativity, bathing & crying are all examples of self-love hygiene.

5. Affirmations — reinforcing positive beliefs. Reprogramming old beliefs helps us to create a loving and fulfilling relationship with ourselves which is how we heal. We can start each day by saying “I love myself, I am loved by the universe”.

6. Mindfulness — living in the now. When we pursue thoughts of the past or future we are missing out on the present moment which is all that exists. Our deepest joy is to be found in the now and we find it when we lose our minds and come to our senses.

7. Authenticity — living our truth. Compromising our beliefs for the validation, acceptance or praise of others creates resistance within ourselves and this manifests as poor mental health. Loving ourselves means doing what we feel is right for us even if others disagree — as long as we’re not hurting anyone in the process.

Time heals all wounds, self-love makes it bearable.

Peace & positive vibes.

Follow me on Instagram for daily positive affirmations ❤



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com