
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readMay 21, 2017

Why Being A “Nice Person” Will Make You Miserable

You don’t love yourself if you’re setting yourself on fire just to keep others warm. Just because you’re prepared to go out of your way to help others — doesn’t mean they will do the same for you. One of the biggest mistakes you can make in this life is believing everyone has the same heart as you.

Being a “nice” person in the hopes that others will reciprocate can lead to them abusing your kind nature. They do this because they do not appreciate what you do for them — they have become entitled to your energy and expect you to continue go out of your way for them whilst neglecting yourself.

If you’ve been behaving this way so far — assess your life right now, how has it worked out for you so far? Are you surrounded by people who don’t do much for you? Are you tired and drained and wish someone would be there for you for once? Do you wish one of them would reciprocate what you do for them?

It’s time for you to start taking responsibility for how you feel and recognise your true worth. If you are prepared to do so much for others — why not do that for yourself? Prioritise yourself — do things that make you happy — and be unapologetic about it if they ask why you aren’t behaving the way you used to.

Life is too short to live it for anyone but yourself. Your time on the planet is limited and if you spend it trying to please others — who will make sure you’re pleased? Take a look around and ask yourself why you’re being so “nice” to everyone and see who’s reciprocating exactly what you do for them.

Self-love is all about making sure you are feeling good about who you are and what you do. Loving your life starts with loving yourself and you cannot do that when you prioritise others. Fill your own cup first — when it overflows, then you can allow others to drink from your abundant fountain of love.

You can’t pour from an empty cup — love yourself first.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com