
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readOct 14, 2017

6 Ways To Open Your Mind

1. Travelling — broaden your horizons and your mind. Immersing ourselves in new cultures and surroundings allows us to question what we think we already know. Questioning everything is the key to expanding the mind.

2. Art — different interpretations of life. Every painting, drawing and sculpture tells a thousand stories, deciphering what each piece means to us allows us to see the world through different lenses and broaden the scope through which we view our own lives.

3. Music — vibes tell stories. Listening to different types of music can introduce us to ways of thinking we’d never considered before — it can also inspire us to move into the body, which releases stored energy that can interrupt thought processes.

4. Books — learn from the wisest minds in history. There are thousands of books that can expand our consciousness, but the most powerful results come from actually putting into practice what these great minds have taught us. Integrating what we’ve learned is essential on the quest for knowledge.

5. Conversations — see the world through different perspectives. When we speak with others with opposing or different views, ideas and beliefs to our own we are exploring an entire universe within the vessel of another body. Open and honest conversations allow us to consider new ideas and rethink old ones.

6. The internet — the world wide knowledge base. There are thousands of blogs and videos published every single day on almost any topic we can think of. When the hunger for knowledge strikes we can take to the internet and explore until the mind has had its fill.

The quest for knowledge never ends.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com