
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readFeb 10, 2018

8 Different Ways You Can Measure Success

1. Fulfilment — do we have long-term happiness? Constantly seeking out temporary pleasure such as food, drugs, sex & gambling is a clear indication that we are lacking fulfillment in our lives. Can we truly call ourselves successful if we aren’t fulfilled?

2. Peace — what is our state of mind like? Moving through life with inner peace allows us to handle whatever comes our way without losing ourselves to temporary emotions and accept the good with the bad.

3. Health — without our health we are truly poor. Regardless of how we individually measure our success — how can we enjoy our success if our bodies and minds are not functioning?

4. Money — a unit of measurement. Money is not evil, it is a form of energy and an indication of the impact we’re having in the world. It should not be regarded as the only unit of measurement for success because it is just a number, the chase for more money never ends and those who become trapped in this chase will suffer until they put these numbers into perspective.

5. Freedom — being free to express ourselves. Being able to say, think and do whatever we like, whenever we like is another way we can measure our success. This can be doing a job we love or creating our own business to support this lifestyle.

6. Time — having time for ourselves. Time is one of the most precious assets we have, one way to measure our success is by measuring how much time we have to spend doing the things we enjoy.

7. Love — loving what we do & doing what we love. Loving what we do allows us to look forward to each new day instead of trying to occupy ourselves with short-term distractions to forget about our “problems”.

8. Life — being alive today. Some of us have been to rock bottom and decided that life isn’t worth living anymore. Overcoming these challenges is a form of success because we didn’t give up — the only true failure in life is quitting.

We all want different things — define your own success.

Peace & positive vibes.

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Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com