
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
3 min readSep 16, 2017

8 Lessons From Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs like Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss, Chase Jarvis & Roberto Blake are all on YouTube giving advice on how we can emulate their success. Here are some of the lessons they each regard as their cornerstones for success, however it should be noted that these lessons can be applied to any journey — not just entrepreneurship.

1. Be patient — greatness takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is success in any field, whether we’re trying to build an empire or working on our fitness goals — patience is absolutely the key, because there is no such thing as overnight success.

2. Keep your head down — don’t watch what others do. Winners focus on winning, while the others focus on the winners. When we check to see what others are doing or what they think of us we are not focusing on the task at hand and this leads to distraction from the path.

3. Compete with yourself — try and be better than you were yesterday. There is no such thing as competition with others, the only person we need to be better than is the person we were yesterday. Keeping this mindset allows us to focus on getting better at our craft, rather than comparing ourselves to others — which is the greatest way to doubt ourselves.

4. Hustle — hard work works. There will always be external influences that encourage us to take short cuts like companies offering diet pills to “help” us lose weight — but these results never last. For long-lasting success we must be willing to work hard and build our lifestyle around our goals.

5. Consistency — put in the work every day. The only way to achieve greatness is to show up every single day, through doing this we gradually build our success. Think of each day as laying one brick in the empire that represents the goal we’re trying to achieve — the only way it will be finished is if we keep going.

6. Teamwork — makes the dream work. Success doesn’t have to be a solo pursuit, we can find others who are on similar journeys and count on them for support, motivation and inspiration.

7. Fail often — each failure has valuable lessons within it. Failing is not a sign that we should give up — rather it is a sign that we’ve tried. Each attempt, whether successful or not, has something to teach us about the way we’re trying to achieve our goals. There is no such thing as failure because we either win or we learn.

8. Sacrifice — you get out what you put in. There is no such thing as a pro athlete who climbed their way to the top whilst simultaneously watching television for 12 hours a day. We must be willing to sacrifice some of our comforts when we are striving for greatness.

Success comes to those who work for it.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com