
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readAug 19, 2017

5 Steps To Finding Your Passion

1. Try new things — see what feels right. If you don’t know what your passion is & don’t know what you enjoy — start out by trying different things. Try singing, dancing, painting, drawing, accounting, knitting, sewing — it really doesn’t matter where you start, the important thing is to just start. The more things you try — the more likely you are to find something that feels right.

2. Emotions — how does it make you feel? When you’re doing what you love you enter a meditative state where you lose all sense of time. If this doesn’t happen the first time you try something — don’t be alarmed — you’ll enter this state when you’re intensely focused in the now. This usually takes time to cultivate — see the next point.

3. Consistency — do it for a while. Once you’ve found something you like stick to it for a period of time. Let’s say you like writing and you want to pursue it as a career — try writing every day for a month and see how it feels. This will give you a taste of what to expect if you want to be a professional writer. Over time you will understand what you enjoy about the process & learn more about yourself through doing it.

4. Play time — we enjoy what we’re good at and we’re good at what we enjoy. If you approach something with the intention of being great at it — it will feel like a grind rather than something you enjoy. Your passion needs to be something you love to do, so treat it as your play time and it will be something you want to do every day. This is how you will master your craft and become great at what you do.

5. Vision — how does your passion fit in with your life? Build a clear mental picture of how your life would look based on doing what you enjoy every day. If you love to paint — how would painting fit in with your lifestyle, would it be a hobby or a career? This is where you need to make the distinction and decide to turn your passion into more than something you do for fun — this usually happens further down the line.

Don’t feel pressured to find your passion just because you’ve seen TED videos or hear others talking about it. Everyone is different and some of us will find what we love to do naturally — while others may need to go out and find it.

The only way to do great things is to love what you do.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com