Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018
10 Vegan Superfoods That Will Change Your Life For The Better
1. Avocado — loaded with healthy fats the body needs and full of potassium (more than bananas) and fiber. An essential part of everyone’s diet and a great substitute for eggs.
2. Blueberries — essential minerals like manganese can be hard to find, don’t worry the blueberry’s got you covered. They also contain vitamins K & C as well as fiber and copper.
3. Pineapple — alongside the benefits of vitamins C, B6 & B1, pineapples can make our bodily fluids smell & taste better; which helps in the bedroom.
4. Strawberries — each tiny berry packs a vitamin C punch and is also known for its antioxidant capacity which helps reduce oxidative damage to our cells from free radicals.
5. Sweet potato — a great alternative to regular potatoes, they serve as complex carbohydrates and are packed with vitamins C, B1 & B2. Sweet potatoes are also a great source of dietary fiber and minerals & can help greatly with weight loss.
6. Chia seeds — full of essential omega threes and a great addition to oats, the humble chia seed is most definitely a superfood. They also help us reduce the risk of heart attacks & strokes.
7. Broccoli — contains more magnesium per gram than beef as well as pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin E, manganese, phosphorus, choline, vitamin B1, vitamin A.
8. Lemon — promotes hydration, supports weight loss, helps to clear skin and is a great source of vitamin C. When life hands us lemons — say thank you!
9. Garlic — helps to lower cholesterol levels because of its antioxidant properties, it also has a vital role in regulating blood sugar & pressure levels.
10. Kiwi — more vitamin C than oranges & lemons, helps with insomnia & digestion and contains a heap of essential vitamins & minerals.
Be like the pineapple — stand tall, wear a crown & be sweet on the inside.
Peace & positive vibes.