
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readOct 10, 2017

7 Powerful Ways To Heal Yourself

The healing journey requires us to go deep within ourselves and sit with the uncomfortable feelings, memories and insecurities we’re still holding on to — this is the inner work that must be done for us to be able to move forward.

1. Meditation — complete presence. Making time to be present with ourselves and become the observer of our thoughts reveals what is dominating our minds. This helps us heal as it explains why we feel the way we do because the reality we experience is based on the dominant thoughts in our minds.

2. Nature — recalibrating our frequency. Spending time in nature can help us to cleanse ourselves of the energy we pick up from other people and technology — which can distort our natural frequency. This is why we feel calmer and find it easier to think when we are surrounded by trees — there are no distractions.

3. Reflections — seeing ourselves in others. Regardless of what has been done to us we can heal the resentment we hold toward others by seeing them as a reflection of ourselves. Once we see that there is no separation we can forgive ourselves for holding onto feelings that don’t serve us.

4. Introspection — looking within. This is different to meditation, during introspection we are looking for the answers to our most important questions such as “why do I feel this way?”. To be able to answer these questions we have to be honest with ourselves and look past the egoic responses such as “he did this” and “she did that”.

5. Peace — making peace with the past. For us to be able to move forward with purpose we need to be able to make peace with whatever has happened in the past. This means sitting in silence, reflecting on the experiences and accepting them as part of us rather than seeking out distractions such as drugs, sex, video games and TV to take our minds off them.

6. Silence — hearing the inner voice. Being present with ourselves in total silence allows us to tune into the voice within and hear our heart’s true desires. We cannot hope to do this if we are constantly filling the mind with music, conversations and noise from the outside world, which is part of the reason why we become so disconnected from ourselves.

7. Creativity — expression of the soul. Through expressing ourselves creatively we can release trapped emotions that are causing us emotional discomfort. We can paint, sing, dance, cook or play an instrument to help release the energy that has been trapped within. We can better understand ourselves by reflecting on what we’ve created and asking ourselves “what does this say about me?”.

The healing journey starts by going within.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com