
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
3 min readSep 18, 2018

6 Lies Society Would Love For You To Believe

1. You need money to be happy. Our happiness is the result of the people, places & things we spend our time with — having money will not affect our mental state if we’re surrounded by negativity on a daily basis. We are constantly shown images of fame & wealth to encourage us to see these as status symbols that will fulfill us if we acquire them.

2. You should compare yourself to others. We are all unique and therefore cannot be compared to each other — apples & bananas taste completely different, hence we cannot compare them. Society benefits from this comparison because comparing ourselves to others is the greatest way to doubt ourselves — this doubt encourages us to buy products to combat the feeling of inadequacy we create through comparison.

3. You need a job to have money. The internet has liberated us from the shackles of trading our time for money, we can connect with each other like never before and this has brought with it a golden age of trading amongst ourselves. Today we can create value for others with the skills we possess and receive money in return for the value we’ve given others. This principle relies on one universal law — energy out equals energy back.

4. You need material things to be attractive. The acquisition of material wealth has been promoted to us as our sole purpose on the planet because it will give us access to people, places & things that we don’t yet have — but this is a lie. The power to create the lifestyle we desire already resides within — we must detach from all notions of external validation if we are to access this power.

5. You need to watch the news. Why? Why would we voluntarily store negative imagery in our subconscious? Why in the world would we want our frame of reference to be fear? Society would love for us to live in fear because it makes us easier to control — hence why the news is almost exclusively fearful imagery & “stories” created to encourage us to give up our power.

6. There is no god, creator or afterlife. Society would love for us to believe there is no creator so that we neglect our true purpose & resign to a life of mediocrity that serves their agenda of herding us like purposeless cattle to be harvested at their whim. When we develop a relationship with the divine we can perceive layers of the illusion that we were previously blind to — they’re afraid of us reclaiming our power.

They know how powerful you are that’s why they’re trying to blind you. Wipe that crust off your third eye and wake up.

Peace & positive vibes.

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Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com