
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
1 min readSep 4, 2018

5 Ways You Can Lift Your Mood Today

1. Exercise — moving into the body. Vigorous activity stimulates the release of endorphins from the brain as well as sweat which allows toxins to be drained from our lymphatic system.

2. Meditate — clearing the mind. Setting aside the mental baggage we’re carrying allows us to put our problems into perspective and be grateful for what we have.

3. Dress — owning our style. The way we dress affects the way we see ourselves. Instead of hiding behind dull and baggy clothing we must allow ourselves to shine in all of our glory.

4. Sleep — recharging our batteries. Sleep deprivation makes us cranky and less likely to create positive interactions with others.

5. Passion — doing what we love. Investing our time with the people, places and things that make us feel good and refusing to settle for the ones that don’t is how we create higher vibrational states of mind.

You are responsible for the way you feel.

Peace & positive vibes.

Follow me on Instagram for daily positive affirmations ❤



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com