
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readNov 1, 2017

7 Ways You Can Create Mind-Blowing Sex With Your Partner Today

1. Communication — the key to unlocking the body is the mind. Connect with each other through the mind first — then the intimacy we feel through the body will be intensified. Talking about what we like, dislike and haven’t yet tried helps to create an environment where we feel safe to explore our desires which leads to a more satisfying sexual experience.

2. Absence — makes the heart grow fonder. Spending every waking minute with our partner can make us too familiar with them and familiarity breeds contempt. However, when we spend time away from them — be it a day or an hour — we allow time for their various quirks that could irritate or annoy us to dissipate and make room for the longing desire that leads to amazing sex.

3. Fantasy — explore each others’ imagination. Living our wildest fantasies with someone we trust and love creates some of the most satisfying sexual experiences. Acting out our fantasies with strangers can bring much hesitation and uncertainty, but when it’s with our partner this can strengthen the relationship we’re in and deepen the connection we have with each other.

4. Exercise — get the endorphins flowing. Working out regularly keeps the body and mind healthy, it also gets blood flowing to the extremities of our bodies — genitals included — and this increases the pleasure we feel during intercourse. If we don’t exercise regularly this can lead to decreased sex drive, impotency and premature ejaculation in men.

5. Silence — communicate with body language. One way to create a mind-blowing sexual experience with our partner is to introduce a no talking policy a few hours before we take to the bedroom. This brings an air of mystery into the relationship and encourages us to interpret the signs our partner gives us through their body language.

6. Empathy — understand where the other is coming from. Often times we are experiencing unfulfilling sex either because we’re not receiving empathy from our partner or not being empathetic to them. We need to slow down on the physical intimacy and check in with each other to make sure that we’re ok mentally before we jump into the bed — this eases the tension we feel in the mind which relaxes the body and makes sex more enjoyable.

7. Authenticity — being truthful to ourselves and each other. Being open and honest about what kind of sexual experience we want to have is the simplest and easiest way to create amazing sex with our partner. Hoping that they’ll figure out exactly what we want is how we become frustrated and dissatisfied.

The key to unlocking the body is the mind.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com