
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
3 min readOct 4, 2017

10 Things That Need To Be Taught In Schools

1. How to use the law of attraction. Using the law of attraction allows us to be more focused on ourselves and less likely to complain about external circumstances as we know we create the reality we experience.

2. The temporary nature of everything. Getting comfortable with the idea that everything is temporary enables us to understand that we’re here to have fun and not take things too seriously because we know everything has an end — including us.

3. How food affects our bodies. We need to understand the role food plays in our lives, from the way it impacts our moods to it’s involvement in the development of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

4. Our spiritual nature. Knowing that we are infinite beings having a human experience & that we are not our bodies gives us a different perspective on life and allows us to transcend much of the irrelevant noise that takes us away fro experiencing our greatest joy.

5. Understanding our psychology. Being aware of the way our brains work and identifying when we’re living through the ego allows us to take responsibility for our lives instead of feeling powerless and as though life is happening to us.

6. How to make money. We all need money to survive in this world, instead of learning outdated information and being put through memory tests it would make a lot more sense for us to learn how to create incomes for ourselves rather than following a set of rules to be reliant on jobs that we may not enjoy.

7. How to create healthy & fulfilling relationships. Many of us learn this the hard way — through experience. Learning about relationships from a young age would allow us to experience deep love rather than enduring superficial relationships for ego gratification or due to lack of knowledge of self.

8. Why nature is so important. We are animals that come from nature, it’s absolutely imperative that we reconnect with ourselves in nature to get back in touch with what’s truly important — the relationship we have with ourselves and the universe.

9. How to meditate & why we need to. Meditation is a sacred time for us all to look within and observe the activity of our minds — this allows us to take a step back from following the movement of thought and gain perspective on our lives.

10. Mindfulness. The body is always present, but the mind rarely is — the ability to tune into our bodies to ground ourselves in the now is one of the most important things we can learn in this life because it allows us to experience true joy — which only exists in the present moment.

Education without knowledge of self is incomplete education.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com