
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readMay 31, 2017

The Only Cure For Negativity

A few years ago some people tried to make sure I lived the rest of my life in a wheelchair and this was one of my favourite reasons to complain. This was until someone told me “but they didn’t succeed — you can walk” — since then I have learnt the power of gratitude.

Whether you’ve been through some hard times or are still going through them now — gratitude can cure that which ails the mind. Separate yourself from the negativity of your situation and focus on everything you have to be thankful for.

Your gifts, your health, the health and wellbeing of others in your life. Things could be a lot worse than they are now and that is something in itself to be grateful for. When you complain the universe understands that you have a lack of something and will provide you with more opportunities to experience this lack.

When you become grateful your vibration changes and you begin occupying the frequency of abundance. When you focus on the abundance in your life you will continue to attract more of it to you. When you thank the universe for the amazing support network you have — they will support you in your hard times.

Becoming thankful for the good in your life will exaggerate the good in the bad times and this will help you through them. If you don’t have a support network thank the universe for your health, if your health is bad thank the universe for the fact that you have life — being thankful will provide more opportunities to give thanks.

Those who are diseased with the sickness of negativity continue to occupy the scarcity mindset and will complain for their whole lives and wonder why nothing changes. Their health never improves, their minds remain negative and their lives follow a downward spiral — do the opposite and watch your life flourish.

Negativity is cured by gratitude — give thanks for every day.

Peace & positive vibes



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com