
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
3 min readSep 6, 2017

9 Ways To Increase Your Intelligence Naturally

1. Exercise — healthy body, healthy mind. Moving into the body is a great way to promote healthy brain function as it releases endorphins and other chemicals which help to improve memory and cognitive function.

2. Vitamin B — linked to memory & mood. Being deficient in B vitamins can lead to a decline in our mental capabilities, some people even report having hallucinations as a result of having deficiencies in certain B vitamins. The best way to get these in our diets without supplementation is with turkey, beans, lentils & bananas.

3. Reading — learn from the greatest minds in history. Reading not only improves our ability to concentrate but it also allows us to acquire knowledge that can help us along our journeys from some of the greatest thought leaders of all time. Robert Green, Steven Covey, Frederick Nietzche & Napoleon Hill are authors that have shared great wisdom that has led millions to success.

4. Antioxidants — to combat free radicals in the body. Free radicals are chemicals that can be harmful for our cells, they can be accumulated naturally or with the foods we eat — the body’s defence against them is antioxidants. We can find antioxidants in foods such as red kidney beans, blueberries and cranberries — they also help to improve memory & problem solving.

5. Sleep — the body needs time to repair. The majority of us need 7–8 hours of sleep per day, during this time the body repairs itself and the mind can process the day’s events and strengthen the memory. Not getting enough sleep can cause us to have low mood, irritability and poor cognitive function.

6. Avocado — healthy fats. Avocados are made up of monounsaturated fats which are the good kind, these fats are used to create brain cells and they also increase blood flow. The brain needs blood to function optimally, so eating avocados can help greatly, they even help to reduce blood pressure.

7. Creativity — express yourself. Using the mind to create rather than just to get through the day-to-day stuff we go through improves our ability to think. Creativity also encourages other ways of thinking about problems we encounter because we are using different parts of the brain.

8. Vitamin E — a vital nutrient. Vitamin E is essential for brain health, a deficiency of E vitamins can lead to the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease as well as poor brain function. We can find Vitamin E in leafy greens, kiwis and nuts — adding these into our diets can help us to avoid mental decline in old age.

9. Meditation — clearing the mind. From approximately 8 years of age the left and right hemispheres of our brain begin to disconnect — meditation can help us to reconnect the hemispheres of the brain and promote whole brain synchronisation. Meditation also increases the brain’s ability to make physiological changes such as increasing grey and white brain matter — grey is for muscle control and sensory action & the white matter carries nerve impulses.

We don’t need supplements to become our greatest versions.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com