
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readJun 14, 2017

5 Signs Your Third Eye Is Opening

Many of you on the path of spiritual awakening are experiencing a lot of changes. The following signs could explain some of what you’ve been going through and shed some light on why you’ve been feeling different lately.

1. Headaches. Your headaches or migraines have been getting worse and feel like an unseen entity is trying to prize open your skull and scoop out the gooey contents inside. Relax — this is a common symptom — get plenty of fresh air, drink a lot of water (2 litres a day) and eat more greens to oxygenate your body.

2. Sight. The third eye has also been called the mind’s eye, when it begins to open your mental vision becomes much clearer. Dreams become more vivid and intensely visual, your imagination seems more “real” than ever and you’re feeling more creative than usual. Use this energy to create more.

3. Questions. When your third eye is opening you will find yourself questioning everything — why do we have to go to school? What’s in this water I’m drinking? Why am I alive? These questions can be answered by going on the journey within — spend time in nature and listen to your self-talk to find answers.

4. Diet. Your usual diet is less interesting — you may find yourself wanting to eat fresh fruits and vegetables more often. This is because your vibration is raising along with the opening of the third eye and you are seeking higher vibrational fuel for your body. Listen to what your body needs and nourish yourself accordingly.

5. People. Those you once resonated with now seem boring to you — you are going through changes and will find it harder to be around them. Acknowledge that we are all on our own journeys and everyone wakes up in their own time. You don’t have to be alone — find people you resonate with by being true to yourself, don’t be afraid to distance yourself from others.

This is a time of great change — remember puberty? Well, this is similar — except with a lot less hair…unless you decided to grow yours (like I did). You’re not going crazy and you’re not dying — your consciousness is expanding and it will take time to adjust.

You have 3 eyes — 2 to look and 1 to see.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com