SPAGHET | An Indie Horror Game about Attacking a Bowl of Spaghetti

Nicholas Hulse
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2020

If you are interested in a horror game experience with a little-added sauce. Spaghet might be a great game for your taste. Spaghet is a survival horror game developed by Torrey Daniel.

This game is a mixture of 5 Nights at Freddy’s and Emily Wants to Play with a tomatoey twist. Your goal is to survive a night alone with a hot bowl of Spaghetti. The only problem is that this Spaghetti doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to the monsters in the darkness.

There are 4 little monsters that are not happy with you drooling over their spaghet. Their names are Mama, Papa, Baby, and Goldie. They will try to kill you throughout the night until they get their favorite food. Your goal is to keep the Spaghetti warm without being killed. The only way to keep the Spaghetti warm is to punch and slap it vigorously while taking breaks to hide and defend yourself from the little monsters. Will you survive this tasty experience?

