How To Be The Perfect Sports Mom

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5 min readMay 12, 2019

Sports plays an extremely essential role in a child’s development. What is even more essential is the role that a mother plays whose child is dedicated to sports. Many sporting legends have often extended their gratitude towards their mothers, who have supported them unconditionally and made them who they are. These mothers are often termed as a sports mom, and their role in a child’s life is instrumental. She becomes the first coach, the first cheerleader, the first physiotherapist and the first nutritionist for her sporty kid.

It is important that we recognise the roles that these amazing ladies play in shaping a future legendary sports player. The strength that they provide from the sidelines goes a long way for their children. There are a lot of things to keep in mind if you want to be a great and supportive sports mom- but the most important one is to know that every child is different, and there can be no set rules as to how you can be the best sports mom. It varies depending on your and your child’s personality. But, we did try to collate and jot down some of the qualities that will make you undying support for your little champion and in turn help your child be a better player.

There is a fine line between sitting on the sideline and being completely oblivious to the happenings of the game. A lot of times sports mom don’t realise and end up becoming too overbearing by giving advice that is contradictory to that of the coach. There are also times when she just sits there and comes and goes to pick up her child. She doesn’t take interest in the game. This too can be unfair for the child.

Our list is an attempt to help you navigate through this extremely important phase of your child, so you can see your child attain the success that they deserve

Dress Up

When your child is playing in team sports, then try and make sure that you are dressing up as per the team colours, or better team jerseys. This will make you look supportive and not too overbearing also. Your child will understand that this match means a lot to you too and you are completely dedicated and interested in this match and their team.

However, try not to go too much overboard. Do not put face paint or hair colouring to show your unconditional support. This might be just too much and will end up making your child a little conscious.

Cheer Away

Your child needs all the encouragement they can get. Don’t forget to be the best sports mom by showing your support out loud. Occasionally shout some encouraging words. If it’s. Team sports then make sure you should the team’s name also and not just your child’s name. This is a great way to motivate your child in the game and can take some pressure off them.

Cheer Away : sports mom

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Make sure that you don’t become the coach. There are official coaches assigned, your child should listen to them. Do not shout instructions to your child since this might put unnecessary pressure on them and this might also add to a lot of confusion. Let the coach do their job and you be encouraging enough without trying to coach.

Be A Team Player

Put a little more effort and learn the names of your child’s team. Make everyone feel included and support the whole team. Encouraging just your child will seem a little too obnoxious and it takes away the team spirit. Let the whole team hear your chants and motivate them in that way. This will also teach your child to be more of a team player and encourage his teammates.

Sports can be highly aggressive and even you can get a little charged up. But no matter what avoid insulting the other team or the players of the other team. It not only reflects badly on you, but your child might also learn this and starts disrespecting his or her opponents.


Make sure you tell your child how well he or she played after the game, and how proud you were. Make your child feel your support and make them know that you were watching the match intently. This gives a great validation to your child and your child is likely to give his or her best in the next games too.

Feedback : sports mom

If you really want to discuss the shortfalls, then do so very politely and don’t show in any way that you are disappointed by them. You can also discuss these shortfalls with their coach, who is more adept to train your child accordingly and work on the faults.

Make The Perfect Diet

A child engaged in sports has a little different dietary needs than other kids. Make sure you make the effort and understand what your child needs. Figure out the best diet for them and

inculcate that in their daily lives.

Perfect Diet

Be Sensitive

Sports is full of ups and downs. There will be some bad days and good days. Your child might end up losing one day. In such cases don’t go shouting at the coach or at your child. These things happen. Winning and losing is a part of sports. However, if as a mother you feel your child’s coach is not providing him or her with the right opportunities, then talk to both your child and coach in private and discuss what can be done.

Take Part

Your child would love if you too could engage in training with him or her. You can go for a walk with them or a run, or simply do some freehand exercises with them. All this will keep your child motivated and interested in doing these exercises. You can make this a family thing so that your child doesn’t feel alone while training at home. Make your child aware that you are supportive and you have their back no matter what.

Take Part : sports mom

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Originally published at Sporcial.

