Sporos DAO Use Case: Subter.io

Sporos DAO
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2022

Bringing new ideas to life is exceptionally hard.

Harder than most people realize. And most good ideas require the help of many hands to make them a reality and spread them in the world. For this reason, most founders rely on their network of friends and family who support them without too much explanation and with good faith. This could be monetary in nature but, more often than not, it is in the form of small acts and deeds that move the needle forward. This could be a social media promotion, an introduction to someone in their network, or contributing to the hard labor required to actually build the Dream. This is what sweat equity is. The immeasurable labors put in to bring something to life. And as a founder you don’t want to allow those that helped you along the way to go unrecognized. You want them to be rewarded in a commensurate fashion for helping you achieve that Dream.

As a Founder I’ve been trying very hard to bring the Dream that is Subter, www.subter.io, to life. Subter is a platform for secure and uncensorable communications using public mediums. I started with an idea that I believed I could bring to life alone but as I progressed I quickly realized the truth in that old adage “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I was able to cobble together some initial prototypes quickly. However, I need the help of many hands to make light work of my dream of a secure, uncensorable communications platform to life. Thus, I need a way to recompense those that believe in me and are willing to help me along the way. I also need a way to ensure the sustainability of my project.

Recently, I came across Sporos DAO and their initiative to codify the sweat equity that goes into getting a project off the ground. Sporos attempts to answer the question of how to efficiently track, recognize, and reward sweat equity. Their novel approach combines smart contracts, on-chain governance, legal organization, and an opinionated approach to DAO development. They’re trying to help provide clarity around how to manage a startup, its cap tables, and how to manage and distribute equity, all within the framework of a DAO. The transparency that a DAO brings to those questions is important and allows all those involved in bringing a Dream to life to reap the benefits.

For more information about Subter, please visit us at www.subter.io.

For more information on Sporos DAO, please visit https://www.sporosdao.xyz/ or follow https://twitter.com/SporosDAO on twitter.

