Introducing Sporting Chance Magazine

‘Goooood Moooorning Viiieetnaaaam!’

William Stanistreet
Sporting Chance Magazine
2 min readMay 11, 2017


Those of you who have been playing along at home might be forgiven for thinking this post is a bit overdue and realistically fairly self-explanatory. Sport and Magazine are in the name — don’t be shocked that you’re going to get some sports reporting.

But ‘boy oh boy wowee’ do I love me a good mission statement.

They can be so good. So full of hope and clarity.

A great one is a condensed version of a group of people’s ambition, skill, creativity and desire, it’s a vision of how a company sees it’s own future. It’s a heartbeat. In my experience such naked conversation in any business is as valuable as it is rare.

Or they can be a platitude, an afterthought to a business plan that a marketer says they need and a CEO yawns through.

But we don’t have a CEO…So here goes.

We, Sporting Chance Magazine, will do our best to add value to your hourly, daily, weekly or monthly hunt for quality sports, news and cultural analysis and editorial.

We will bring you attractive and informative articles that we hope you’ll love across a range of formats. We promise to try not to strive beyond our wheelhouse, to only pontificate on things we actually know something about and to do our best to present as much of a complete nuanced view of the sporting landscape as we can.

That’s it. That’s us.

We want your help to make this, our mission statement, a reality. We’re here because we believe we can add something to the current sports news media landscape.

Why this?

Well, we’re so sick of hearing BT belch the latest bullshit and reading as Slobbo dives headfirst into creating another piece of reworded clickbait.

We think you’re better than this shit. We think given the choice you’d rather read researched, curated, edited and vetted quality content from your peers. Basically, we’re here to bring you the buffed and shiny gold that’s at the centre of every evening spent arguing over sport at the pub.

But we are young. We are going to make mistakes. Our chances are slim but together we might make something that we, and maybe you, are proud of.

As of yet we’re not asking for anything in return. One day we might secure some advertisers and if we do all we ask is for you to treat them with their earned allotment of respect, because they will be like you; supporting quality content.

TLDR; We want to give you good free sports editorial. Sign up, support us and get it sent straight to you.

Sign up here and Robert’s your mother’s brother.

