Is it even Fair?

Grant Brown
Sporting Magazine
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2019

A hot topic issue recently has been the inclusion of transgender females (males who identify as females) in traditionally female sports. We have all heard the stories of male athletes transitioning into a female, only to crush the competition. the most infamous one being a high school wrestler becoming a female, getting first in a female meet, getting multiple records and then transitioning back into a male.

It’s just a fact of life that males are generally physically stronger, and more athletic than their female counterparts. Now that's not to say that this is true one hundred percent of the time. There are some females that are stronger than males, but biologically, this is just the way it is.

So when a male transitions into a female, they will be able to easily mop the floor. The act of switching genders and dominating sports is extremely prominent in sports like track and wrestling where your success depends on you and your ability alone, rather than having to rely on a team. this allows them to easily dominate in their sport.

Athletes who do this are usually boys who are not as good as other boys in their sport so they switch over to the girl's sport so that they can be the best. It boosts their ego. soon there will be no space left for girls to compete in their own sports.

How can we fix this? The obvious solution would be to make a new league for the transgender athletes. but then, would there be enough transgender athletes to maintain the league? I people are Changing genders to play against less skilled opponents, why would they bother if they were just going to play against people of similar athletic ability.

Another solution would be some kind of deterrent for transgenders wanting to participate in sports as their new gender. Maybe some kind of punishment. but that would be subjective and could border on discrimination or even make hate crimes more prevalent.

We need to find some way to combat this threat to woman's sports before it becomes trans-women's sports.

