My Wrestling Life

Jose Diaz
Sporting Magazine
Published in
5 min readFeb 13, 2019

When you hear wrestling you think sweaty men hugging and doing weird positions. But in reality there is more to it when you are practicing and or actually fighting someone in a real match. In this sport you are pushed to your limits and you have to learn and do things that you didn’t even know that you could do. In my two years of experience in this sport it has made me stronger and has shown how if I put my mind to something and really work towards my goals I can do anything. Something else that I have learned from this sport is that it is not for everyone out there and that it some people out there can not handle the hard work that has to be put into this sport, I am not saying that wrestling is the hardest sport out there but is is up there for difficulty in sports. I think that this is sport is worth it because I am in the best shape I have ever been in and I feel that I don’t get tired as fast anymore than before.

But Some reasons that I enjoy this sport is that you get close to your teammates and you pretty much become a family with all the other wrestlers and coaches. And when you are not having a good day or when you are not having a good day on the mate you have you team to have your back. Something else that I enjoy with this sport is that when you are having a bad day or when you are stressed out in something you can go let it out on the wrestling mate. One of my best memories in wrestling was in the summer when I went to a camp in Missouri State University (Mizzou) because it was one of the hardest thing I ever done in this sport but I had some great memories with my teammates and had learned somethings that I use in my matches today.

There are many styles of wrestling, I can’t name most of them but one of he styles that I have learned was Greco Roman wrestling which is a style that mainly uses your upper body strength to fight against your opponent. When I wrestle I mainly use the snap down or the bear hug to put my opponents on the ground easier. Some other wrestling styles that I have seen on youtube is free style which like greco it it in the Olympics which in my opinion is pretty cool.

Some things are hard in wrestling is well every thing but I mean just getting yourself prepared for a duel or tournament and you are in practice telling yourself that you have to go full speed on these reps so you can do good in your matches. Some other thing that is challenging in this sport is that every other sport has is going home and doing your homework or job when you are tired. Competition when you are out there and fighting in your matches you feel good because you know that you have worked hard for these fights, and even if you win or lose you learn something new on what to do next time and what to do in practice to not make that same mistake happen again the next time you face then. After ever competition you feel good at the end because you gain information that you can use for your other opponents in the future. You can take things from wrestling to your everyday life like for example you can learn how to manage your time, some other thing that I have taken from this is that to get everything prepared the day before so you don’t have to be in a rush get things. Something else that I have taken from wrestling is to be flexible with thing that you are not comfortable in doing and to try new things even If you fail in it.

Things that you may not know about wrestling is all the gear that is used in it, the first and important thing is the singlets you may ask what that is and that is the tight thing that we wear that everyone makes fun of because it is looks weird.( it is not that bad it is actually pretty comfortable when you wear it for a period of time)

The second important thing that we wear is our headgear and that is used so we don’t get cauliflower ear ( I would show a picture but it is not that good looking so I won’t do that to you)

Other things that some wrestlers use as-well as I do are knee pads because when you are brought down on your knees a lot you tend to get some pain so they are a good padding. I mean all teams have this but we have warmup gear well to warmup in before a match. I think that everyone knows this but you have to shower after ever wrestling competition or practice because you can get ring worm and that is not good because the whole team could get it and that is bad news bears. All in All the sport wrestling is not bad because if I didn’t do this I wouldn’t be stronger be okay with uncomfortable situations like I am know and I know for sure that I would be over weight without wrestling because I would just be going home and doing nothing but eating and video games, and If I didn’t wrestle I wouldn’t have all the great memories with my friend and I wouldn’t have that special connection with them like I do now. So I really enjoy the wrestling life because of all the changes that has happened to me and how I feel about this sport, and I plan on continuing this sport with my team/Family.

