Our most Exciting, yet Challenging year!

Ole Martin Vebenstad
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2020

Today, we are celebrating our 3rd year anniversary — Hurray! 2020 was always going to be our year. The platform is getting completed, we are on-boarding new clients and we are creating value day by day. Little did we know the challenges we were about the face! Almost 4 months later, we are in the middle of a world “breakdown” due to the Coronavirus.

Almost 4 months later, we are in the middle of a world “breakdown” due to the Coronavirus.

First of all, let us just be proud of the fact that we turned 3 years! As you know, a startup’s lifecycle is measured by certain milestones — 1st year, 3 years, and 5 years. What it means, is that we have been able to utilise our resources extremely well and taken several necessary steps towards our end goal. From a platform standpoint, we are going into our first full year with a lot of updates coming your way. Exciting times!

Today is our 3rd year anniversary! Celebrate with us at www.sportinglobal.com

Coronavirus has just entered the chat! Through the global pandemic of the covid-19 virus, we have seen a tremendous financial and social challenge facing all of us. Especially small businesses are facing a crucial time, as all cycles in the supply chain stops. Most of all, it has been sad to see so many people being impacted by the virus. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you! Stay healthy and follow the guidelines from your government.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you! Stay healthy and follow the guidelines from your government.

Let’s dive into how the Coronavirus is impacting us at SportIn Global. But more important, what actions do we take as a company?

  1. Staying healthy and follow the guidelines.
  2. Development of the SportIn Global platform.
  3. Announcing a Podcast to increase your knowledge!
  4. Introducing online coaching for students and young professionals.

First of all, our main focus is to stay healthy and safe by following the guidelines set by the government. This means, that everyone will work from their home and any meeting (internally or externally) will be held digitally. Our key focus is to prevent any spread of the virus and do our part. Our advice to you is; “Challenge yourself to find activities and tasks you can do indoor or in less crowded spaces — such as a hike or listening to a podcast”.

“Challenge yourself to find activities and tasks you can do indoor or in less crowded spaces — such as a hike or listening to a podcast”.

From a business standpoint, our key focus will be to continue the development of the SportIn Global platform so it will be ready with several key features to keep you engaged, motivated and in the right place to find your career path. If you haven’t already downloaded our app — you can do it here.

As most of you will be either working from home and perhaps sit with a couple extra hours of time, due to the lack of social interactions, we wanted to brighten up your day, while being able to soak up relevant knowledge. We are therefore proud and happy to announce our Podcast!

We are proud to announce our Podcast! We will talk about key topics from the sport industry and how the Coronavirus is impacting the industry.

In this podcast, we will talk about key topics from the sport industry and among other how the Coronavirus is impacting the industry. We will use this time to talk with key leaders and industry expert about their area of expertise, but in a way that we hope would inspire you to learn and prepare for the days when the sport industry is running as it should. Trust us — it will!

Our first episode is out! Make sure to follow for more episodes coming soon!

This initiative is made for you! As the majority of you are experiencing shut-downs of your school and professional life, we wanted to provide an extra solution to keep your head sharp and your feet on your toes. We are therefore going to provide online coaching to help you succeed in the sport industry. In the next couple of days, we will introduce more details on what coaching will cover and how you can participate.

We want to provide an extra solution to keep your head sharp and your feet on your toes, by providing online coaching to help you succeed in the sport industry.

To give you a small sample, we will discuss topics such as; how to build your network, how to write a resume and how to do informational interviews. Together with industry experts, we want to give you the opportunity to stay on top of your game when the virus is starting to settle. And for those of you that are more comfortable in groups, we will offer both group and individual coaching.

Stay healthy and safe! We are in this together!

Vi snakkes! (See you later!)

All the best,
Ole Martin V.
Founder & CEO

