Studying at ESEI Business School Barcelona
Barcelona is one of the most vibrant cities in Europe and a great place to study and dive into the sports industry.
In this interview, Lana Bilobrk shares her experience studying at ESEI Business School Barcelona.
ESEI Business School Barcelona, founded in 1989, offers a portfolio of internationally outstanding undergraduate, postgraduate, professional and language programmes. Providing a customised education that values each student’s past, present and future by providing innovative and appropriate tools to develop their talents and enhance their performance in an international working environment.
Thanks for joining us, Lana!
Tell us about yourself and your sports background?
My love of sports started when I was four years old. I started picking up tennis balls on the court while my sister had her first tennis class. That is how I began playing tennis which went on for eleven years. After that I had a bit of a pace switch and went on to do judo for a couple of years and finally I ended up in boxing (recreationally). During winter I would also pursue skiing, while during summers water polo. During my high school years, I was also a part of our volleyball team. So, as you might have noticed I enjoy various sports, my main goal was to remain as active as possible. Also, I have a bit of a competitive side, so if I picked up a new sport I would really dedicate my time into it.
What made you want to work in sports?
The passion for doing sports was there, but what made me want to be a part of the industry was a different matter. It was the beauty that sports has in bringing people together. I have had a privileged opportunity to travel a lot when I was younger, visiting different countries and experiencing numerous cultures. Each time I would be asked a simple question of where I come from. I would say Croatia, but many have never heard of it. Trying to explain where it is located would not do much of a difference as well. On the other hand, mentioning a name like Davor Šuker (nowadays Luka Modrić) there would be an instant recognition of my country. At one point I realized the impact that sports had in peoples lives no matter where they come from, what is their social or financial background, it was only the simple love of sports that we all shared. The final nudge towards the sports industry, I experienced in the last year of my bachelor program. I took up a course called Sports Economics and had an amazing professor. I had the first behind the curtain look at the endless possibilities that are available in the sports industry. I did my bachelor thesis on the Economic sustainability of water polo in Croatia and enjoyed the research process very much. I realized what a huge impact the industry has and the opportunity to change peoples lives and I wanted to be a part of that.
Why did you choose Barcelona? and ESEI?
Choosing Barcelona as a city where I wanted to continue my journey in the sports industry was an easy choice for me. I have never played football professionally, mostly because Croatia is behind with its female involvement in the sport which I hope to see change, but football has always been a number one sport that I followed. This was because of FC Barcelona and Ronaldinho Gaucho. It might be hard to imagine a six year old girl watching a 90 minute football game, but that was me. I have been a FC Barcelona fan for as long as I can remember, being able to come study here about the industry that I am so deeply passionate about has been a dream come true. Barcelona is a city that breathes sports, not only football, and I wanted to be a part of it. The city was definitely one of the main reasons why I choose ESEI. Also, their involvement in my decision-making process was very helpful. The school reaching out, their availability to contact them with any concerns and resolvement of any issues I was facing, especially with the Covid-19 crises affecting us all.
How are you finding the program? What’s your favourite course?
This is the first year that the program has been put in place and this comes with some benefits. As students this has given us the ability to express our specific interests. That way the lectures cover all the necessary parts of the agenda, but there is also room to focus more on the specific topics some students are interested in. All professors are extremely approachable and share not only their knowledge but also their networking opportunities which is very useful and important in this line of work. Especially when it comes to our main lecturer Frank Hendrickx who is with us in a few courses and has a great overview of our development throughout the whole year. I am currently finishing my first semester so there are still more than a few courses I am excited to listen, but for now I have enjoyed the International Sports Law and Governance course the most.
Do you think having a sport academic background might help you land a job in the industry?
Overall, the sports industry has been growing massively in the last decade (with the exception of the last year and a half affected by Covid-19). Sports in Europe has been lagging behind the US market, which is only proof of how much more can be done in the industry and that there are still many growth opportunities. Sports management programs are just getting established and finding their footing in Europe. Most people currently working in the sports industry started their careers in something completely different and might be lacking the understanding of all the aspect of the industry. All in all, in my opinion having a sports academic background will help us in securing a job in the industry and will help us fill some of the gaps that we are witnessing.
What are your sport industry dream and how do you think ESEI has been helping you towards that goal?
I think that I can say this not only for myself, but also for my colleagues as well. Most of us came to the school with the idea of us being the next agent for Messi, Ronaldo, and names alike. Throughout our modules we are discovering many different layers and job opportunities there are in the sports industry and how the whole ecosystem is functioning. Many of us finding interests in areas we weren’t even aware existed. It is still early for me to say exactly what would be my dream job in the industry, but for now I am sure that this is where my passion lies. I also believe that everyone at ESEI is trying their hardest in involving and giving us a realistic overview of the industry and guiding us in finding the right place.