We couldn’t have done it without you!

Ole Martin Vebenstad
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019

If you already know something about the life of a startup, then you understand the major challenges we face in the beginning of our lifecycle. These major challenges includes the fight against the clock and the pursuit of resources.

In order to be successful as a startup, you need to be extremely smart with your resources and your decision making. However, you can’t do all of this alone as a single entrepreneur. You need partners, both inside and outside of the company.

As the majority of our readers already know, we are a Norwegian SportsTech startup, hence we are based in beautiful Norway. With the strong economical position of our country, we get certain benefits both from a personal a business perspective. With our prime minister, Erna Solberg, focusing on the future of Norway, it has led to several benefits to grow new and innovative projects that will benefit the country long term.

“I”nnovation Norway is the Norwegian Government’s most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. They support companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation” — (Innovation Norway, 2019). And as some of you have read before, we attended the Nordic SportsTech program in March 2018. This was a collaboration between Innovation Norway and Nordic Innovation House in Silicon Valley. Below is a video from the trip!

Without tremendous organisations such as Innovation Norway, Nordic Innovation House and ProtoMore, it would be hard for a startup like ours to make as much progress as we have. In this article, we would like to highlight the value of having a partner like Innovation Norway. For us, they have been our 2nd biggest supporter on this journey. Not only because of the trip we attended in Silicon Valley, but because of the financial support they granted us.

In order to be successful as a startup, you need to be extremely smart with your resources and your decision making.

What this support means for a startup, is first of all, that they believe in your project. They believe in your team and accountability for pulling through. In order to get this benefit and support, you need to deliver certain demands and follow up with reports throughout the project. This gives Innovation Norway a better understanding of their investment and possible outcome.

To make it 100% clear, regardless of our success, they will not own or take any of our revenue. What they hope, is that our business will bring more business and create work placements for Norway’s population. Hence, their investment will be a success.

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We are extremely proud to be supported by Innovation Norway on this amazing journey. Without their help, it would be a much more challenging journey. Together we are going to change the world of recruitment in sports and make an impact in the Norwegian and global sport industry.

We couldn’t have done it without you!
Thank you, Innovation Norway!

Vi snakkes!

