The Development of Different Sports (Jaidon Bowers)

Alex Birge
Sports Daily
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2019

Sports are a big thing all around the world. They bring joy and entertainment to our sometimes stress filled world. They can also teach a lot of good life lessons for many young kids or adults. Sports allow everyone to become connected and support their team. Sports are very important in our society today. “Sports build good habits, confidence, and discipline. They make players into community leaders and teach them how to strive for a goal, handle mistakes, and cherish growth opportunities.”This quote was by Julie Foudy and really helps explain why sports are so needed to take the stress of of people’s lives and to just allow people to come together. In this article i am going to talk about the development of sports and how they became what they are today.

The first sport I will talk about is baseball. Baseball was originated from mainly britain and europe. The games were called cricket and rounders. There was a number of names when it was first started such as: base ball, goal ball, round ball,and fetch-catch. The game was played by a player trying to throw the ball at a target, while a player on the opposing team tried to hit the ball away from the target and run between the bases before the defending team could get him out. This was not the documented way to play the game, it was just played different from culture to culture. Not everyone had the same materials and equipment so it was just played with whatever was found at that time.

Tech. Sgt. Miguel Lara

Secondly, American Football. Football does not have an actual story on how it was made. Everyone believes that the game just came natural to the people,way back then. The sport was played by one team having an object, not necessarily a ball, but an object in which a person can possess. The goal was to try and put the ball in a certain spot while the other team tried to stop the player from putting it in that position by tackling and wrestling their opponent. Historians also believe that football also could have came from rugby and was just a different style of it.

Soccer is statistically one of the most popular sports in the history of sports. It is one of the only sports that is played all around the world. The english are credited with recording the first rules for the sport. Such as no touching the ball with your hands and no pushing or tripping opponents. The sport began to grow and more rules were implemented. In 1891 the corner kick was introduced and implemented. Different penalties and red and yellow cards were inducted into the game at around 1970. The most recent penalties added were that the goalie can not receive a back pass and you can not slide tackle from behind. These were added in the 1980’s.”Association football, or soccer, is the most popular sport in the world. It is estimated that more than half of the world’s population consider themselves to be association football (soccer) fans. The sport enjoys an estimated 4.0 billion person following, and a global sphere of influence.” (

Tennis was of said to been played by the egyptians, romans and greeks. It was said to be played by kings, queens and other royalty and wealthy people. It was developed around the late 1800s early 1900s. The sport was first popular in france and then spread throughout the world. Tennis took a huge jump when the first all england championships were held in the late eighteen hundreds. This tournament was called the wimbledon, after its location and became the most popular tournament in the world. The wimbledon is still one of the best of the best tennis tournaments around today.

Volleyball was first called mintonette in 1895 and was invented by William G. Morgan. The game was designed to be a combination of a lot of sports such as: Basketball, Handball and tennis. The net was borrowed from tennis but raised up to about six feet six inches. Offensive rules such as setting and spiking were inducted in the philippines around 1916. The USVBA or the United States Volleyball Association was made around 1928 to make a standard set of rules for tournament play. The rules have not been changed since then and it is doing well and has approximately 900 million fans.

Basketball was created by James Naismith in Springfield,Missouri. Naismith was a canadian physical education teacher and tried to come up with a game that was less prone to injury than football. He started creating this game in 1891. Very many people caught on to this game very quickly and soon the game became popular throughout the world. The equipment that naismith used was a peach basket and a ball similar to a soccer ball. The main purpose of the game was to give conditioning to students in the winter when they couldn’t go outside. He ended up publishing about thirteen sets of rules. The National Basketball Association was established in 1946 and has been a multi million dollar business since then.

Golf is the next sport that will be explained about how it was developed. Golf unlike most other sports can be played basically wherever. The different terrains of the course is part of the game. Golfs rules have not really changed that much except for the fact that the materials and equipment have changed thanks to the advance in technology and such. For example, the game used a stuffed leather ball but, now it uses a small hard ball. Golf can be traced as far back as the fifteenth century. It was originated in scotland and was band at one point in time so that everybody could give their clubs and balls to the king so he could play with it. Golf is definitely not the most popular sport but, still has enough supporters to keep going. It has around 450 million fans that watch and play golf.

