Sports Ledger Social Impact
Sports Ledger
Published in
8 min readJul 4, 2018

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Deeply embedded in the five core layers of the Sports Ledger platform is the aspiration to bring about positive social change, both within the sporting world and the global community at large.

The elements driving positive change have been incorporated into the foundations of Sports Ledger from the outset. The platform will not only deliver immense value to individuals around the world who have an affiliation to sport but bring further tangible value to the world from which it springs.

In addition, the Sports Ledger platform will be used to finance the Sports Ledger Foundation, aimed exclusively at effecting positive global change by leveraging for good the technologies Sports Ledger is using.

Delivering Social Impact Through the Sports Ledger Foundation

The Sports Ledger Foundation is an initiative aimed exclusively on effecting positive global change, leveraging technologies for good, and setting a benchmark for building and maintaining a transparent Corporate Responsibility program.

Focusing on improving opportunities for underprivileged populations, facilitating health research and care, and supporting initiatives dedicated to solving hunger, famine and starvation, the Foundation will be initiated by Sports Ledger through an annual redistribution of SPSL tokens. To increase the effectiveness of the Foundation‘s work, we plan to build relationships with non-profit organisations that bring about real global change and where the innovation, transparency and value that the Sports Ledger platform brings to the global sports world represents a fundamental support factor. The first partnership the Sports Ledger Foundation has agreed to engage in is with the initiative of UInspire. We will actively assist in building its global network for positive social change. More to follow…

Delivering Social Impact Through the Sports Ledger Platform

Giving Back Fundamental Control to the Users

The core services of the Sports Ledger platform will allow users to create enriched digital identities within a decentralised architecture. Users will be in complete control of the access they grant others to their profile. They will also control the type of information (such as advertisements) which they will receive, with complete ownership of their own profile of data. Each individual’s digital identity will be a private yet enriched data profile, encompassing behavioural analytics of the user created while using the services which the Sports Ledger platform delivers.

Until recently, society has accepted the centralised nature in which personal data has been owned and subsequently monetised by large corporations. By offering ‘free’ services embedded within digitally interactive platforms they acquired personal information including personalised digital behavioural patterns which are sold together

with the right to communicate to these profiles. This value is epitomised in the billion-dollar revenues of mainstream social content sharing platforms, which offer their users a ‘free’ service but in which the user itself is effectively the product they sell. Captured within these centralised structures a user will fundamentally receive little to no reward for providing this rich source of data.

However, the true value of access to an individual’s data through their digital data profile is finally becoming recognised and acknowledged — even though solutions for alternative structures yet remain sparse.

By delivering an architecture which offers value through a user-inclusive, socially interactive platform and by harnessing the value of its core services tailored to the world of sports within a decentralised structure, Sports Ledger is able to create an ecosystem in which every user can now be rewarded directly for creating enriched digital identities - simply through participation — and providing access to their digital profile.

In contrast to many other platforms, the users of Sports Ledger will be able to tailor the messaging in the form of advertisements received from third party platform participants to their personal profile and be rewarded in SPSL tokens for allowing and viewing any tailored information they receive. The creation of this ecosystem has the potential to disintermediate the global sporting advertisement industry, currently worth $62 billion and create reward systems which bring value back to each user in the form of SPSL tokens, based on the marketing intelligence they create.

Sports Ledger at Blockchain Summit London 2018

Providing Sports Stars with an Opportunity to Give Back

By giving professional athletes the possibility of opening up their daily biometric sporting data passport to Sports Ledgers global community of users, professional athletes and sports stars around the world will create a new token economy — where there will be an exchange of SPSL tokens for in-depth access to their own sporting digital data passport within their own sporting profile.

Fans, clubs, organisations and interested parties desperate to view their outputs on a day-to-day basis, will be able to use SPSL tokens in subscription models to follow and track their favourite players in all sports from around the world, creating a new level of fan-and-player engagement, and creating a new market for data from the sports professionals’ perspective. This subscription service will offer users and fans of the Sports Ledger platform a never before seen insight into the world of sports, through the daily sporting experiential outputs of their favourite elite athletes.

Part of the incentive for athletes and clubs to use the Sports Ledger platform and incorporate the Sports Ledger wearable technology into their day-to-day routine will be from the evident benefit of having a platform which will deliver a level of analysis on their sporting data currently unattainable, from tracking tools to performance metrics tailored to the athlete, viewable by the player and club in real time. But they will also benefit by creating new reward streams for the club, the player, and most significantly collective charitable initiatives.

When platform participants (users) use their SPSL tokens to view the athlete’s day-to-day passport output of digital data, rewards will be distributed to the player, to the club and also to their charitable organisation choice (or, if preferred, to the Sports Ledger Foundation).

This creates a win-win-win system which:

  • Incentivises the player to create, record and share the data (which is usually already being collected, albeit in centralised, legacy systems).
  • Incentivises the club to facilitate a greater bond between their players and their global user fan base with increased engagement through ground-breaking services on top of additional rewards through co-operation.
  • Incentivises the fans to participate in an initiative which simply through participation gives back to charitable local and global communities.
Sports Ledger at Blockchain Summit London 2018

Providing Wearable Tech to Underprivileged Communities

Through technological innovation, Sports Ledger will create an initiative for young athletes around the world to better understand what is required to achieve their ambitions of becoming a professional athlete — providing opportunity and an avenue through which to achieve their sporting dreams.

Budding sports stars from underprivileged backgrounds and locations from around the world can request and receive professional-grade biometric wearable technology from the Sports Ledger Foundation, combined with a unique profile integrated within the Sports Ledger application.

Through wearing this technology over a sustained period of time and simply having access to a GPS signal and a basic smart device, these young athletes will be able to record their daily sporting data outputs and performance to an unprecedented granular level of detail. This technology, which would be inaccessible for such underprivileged young athletes by any other means, will allow each individual to create a complete personal profile of their overall sporting ability.

In addition, the Sports Ledger Foundation will provide to each individual exclusive access to available complete performance passports of current top-level sporting athletes (the professionals they aspire to replicate). The Sports Ledger platform being accessible to these young potential superstars from around the world will provide each one of them a unique barometer within a ground-breaking platform to benchmark their own performance against — allowing them to understand, visually interpret and physically feel what it really takes to succeed.

Having this technology in combination with a platform where they can record and interpret their own sporting ability creates further opportunity for their own performance passport to be noticed by interested scouts, clubs and leagues around the world — facilitating a route towards a career as a professional athlete which would otherwise be completely unattainable. This will have a beneficial knock-on effect on their communities and encourage the nurturing of sporting talent as an aspirational goal for wellness and success.

Sports Ledger at Blockchain Summit London 2018

Tokenising Corporate Ticketing for Community Benefit

Sports Ledger aims to initially tokenise corporate match day tickets for teams and clubs all over the globe, offering a platform which will allow instant and seamless communication between the club and its fans — offering the opportunity of instantaneous reward.

Via tokenising a portion of match day club tickets on the Sports Ledger platform, Sports Ledger will bring fans and clubs closer together and create greater connectivity between them, enabling clubs to understand their fans in much greater detail based on their rich digital identities and behavioural analytics. It also provides clubs with a seamless platform for distributing rewards as well as receiving instantaneous feedback from supporters — such as in-game experiences (for instance by voting on the man-of the match through the unique ID of the tickets which were purchased through the platform).

An ecosystem with this level of interconnectivity around the digital distribution of tickets also allows for a greater level of flexibility for those who receive them. It is a fact that a large portion of corporate seats for live sporting events, particularly at clubs, stand empty. Sports Ledger will incentivise clubs and corporates to redistribute empty seats at live games in a fast and frictionless manner via the technology and capability of the Sports Ledger platform, enabling local communities — including fans from underprivileged families, trustworthy organisations and positive initiatives — to be rewarded with a seat at a live event through this initiative. An opportunity for a young child, family or social worker to experience the beauty of live sport from a perspective which, for the majority of them, would be unattainable — and giving players and clubs the full crowds they deserve for their fixtures.

Sports Ledger at Blockchain Summit London 2018


Sports Ledger | Telegram | Revolutionary Sports Data Analytics Platform built on Blockchain & Artificial Intelligence