Have I Ever Seen “Hitch”?

Evan Hanks
Sports Loser
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2016

“Hitch” starring Will Smith and Kevin James was released in 2005. Have I seen it?

I’ve been wracking my brain all day trying to figure this out. Have I seen “Hitch”? I have no idea. It’s like my head is filled with all kinds of one-liners and images, but I don’t know if that’s where they’re from.

Images like that. Except that one is from Hitch. I know this because I googled “Hitch” and found it. The thing is that I don’t remember any setup or context surrounding that picture. What the hell happened?

I know the basic gist of the plot, but is that just from previews? I don’t remember any names of characters other than Hitch. I honestly think Kevin James' character is also named Kevin. I have no idea. I almost called him Paul, but that’s a totally different movie. Is Paul Blart the movie with the talking gorilla? I know it’s not Hitch. No animals talked in Hitch. I’m pretty sure anyway.

Maybe that was Hitch, and Kevin got set up with a gorilla. It still doesn’t make sense.

It’s possible someone else watched it while I was sleeping. You know how sometimes TV slips into your dreams? That would explain why I think I remember some of the dialogue.

Was there a character in Hitch who wrote for a newspaper or something? I’m pretty sure that was from Hitch. It’s gotta be. Maybe I have seen it. I’d say I’m about 70% sure I’ve seen Hitch.

Either way, it can’t be a very good movie. I obviously don’t remember it at all. I guess in some weird roundabout way, it is the most though provoking movie I’ve seen. In the sense that I’ve been thinking about it a lot trying to remember if I’ve seen it.

I don’t think I’ve really met anyone who has explicitly said they like Hitch. I’ve certainly never met anyone who had said it was their favorite movie. Maybe I’ll go watch it on Netflix or something. If I have seen it I’m sure I’ll remember it once I start watching it.

Okay, I googled Hitch again to get one last picture. I’m pretty sure I remember that jet ski part. I’m comfortable saying that I’m 80% sure I’ve seen Hitch.

