I’m All About These New Bud Light Cans

Evan Hanks
Sports Loser
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2016

Bud Light’s new “your team can” campaign Is designed to pander to dumb NFL fans. It’s totally working.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a sucker for advertising. I buy so many things I don’t like or need, just because the ads are good. Honestly, if something is colored blue I’d be like 90% more likely to buy it. It’s that easy.

So naturally, when something I do like is advertised in a way that combines it with something I really like? I’ve basically bought it before it even comes out. Case in point, these new Bud Light Cans, aptly described as “Beer With Your Team On It.”

The cool thing about these cans is the fake exclusivity that comes with them. “Look at my Detroit Lions beer, suck it Cleveland!” But then they’re drinking the same shitty Bud Light as me. It’s genius. I hate Bud Light, but I’m gonna buy some anyway.

There’s one thing in particular that made me want to discuss this though. What, you thought I was just gonna say “Bud Light is cool” and leave it at that? Buddy, I’m no corporate shill. No, the thing is, one particular part of this campaign left a lot to be desired.

Bud Light posted a video on Twitter showing every team can, and each can was accompanied by It’s own slogan. They were all punny in their own way.

Haha, get it, like Honolulu Blue?

This was an easy one, but it works.

Birds of a cooler drink together (sunglasses emoji)

Haha…wait what? That’s literally one of the slogans for the entire ad campaign. Did they have that hard of a time coming up with something for Jacksonville? They could’ve just said “DUUUUVAAAAAALLLLLL” and no one would’ve cared. Even outside of football, the Jaguars are a laughing stock. Way to go Bud Light.

I don’t have any association with Jacksonville or the Jaguars, so I don’t really care. It’s just a shame they wasted this ad campaign on Bud Light. Maybe they can put some NHL logos on Bud Ice or something. Get a little double pun action going. Alright, I’m gonna stop thinking out loud before Anheuser-Busch steals my ideas.

So yeah, these cans are pretty sweet. I’m definitely going to get some. You guys can get some too. Or not, doesn’t matter to me. This isn’t sponsored or anything so who cares?

