How to “over-perform” under pressure

Strategies to bring out your best when it matters most…

Christian A J Smith
2 min readJan 17, 2014

High performers know that it is not about getting rid of the pressure but about using it as a catalyst to perform. High performers know that in order for them to perform at their best it is important to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

Here are three strategies to help you the next time you are on the golf course and under pressure:

  1. Remember that pressure is your friend — Welcome it! Embrace it! Be conscious of what you are telling yourself when you start to experience the “human stress response”, more commonly referred to as “fight or flight” — (“I can’t play with shaky hands.” vs. “This is exactly what I have been practicing for. I’m ready.”).
  2. Breathe — take a two or three slow, deep (diaphragmatic) breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, to help focus your mind and relax your body.
  3. Focus on grip pressure — there’s too loose, there’s too tight and then there’s “just right”. Give your “just right” feeling a number between 1-10 and then maintain it throughout your golf swing or putting stroke.

I am a Golf Mental Conditioning Coach. You can find out more at



Christian A J Smith

Golf Mental Conditioning Coach at @IMGAcademy. Passionate about helping golfers develop and #BecomeMore