Globalization Of Professional Sports Leagues Is Here.

Michael Ma
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2023

Hi there, sports fans! When researching my next topic, I was fascinated by the NFL’s International Series expansion and how it showcases the globalization efforts of professional sports leagues. Last season, the NFL played five international games across three countries. The NFL had three in London, one in Germany, and one in Mexico. In fact, according to this article by CBS Sports, the NFL may even be interested in creating an international division.

NFL banners depicting an upcoming game in London involving the Baltimore Ravens as one of the teams (Source:).

As a sports fan, this could be an unprecedented move since no other league has had an international division before. Like the NFL, the NBA and MLB have played international games before. For the 2023 season, the MLB had games in Mexico City and London through MLB World Tour. On the other hand, the NBA played international matches in Paris and Mexico City for their 2022–2023 season. However, if the NFL implements the international division, it may convince other sports leagues to do the same.

While many may think the NFL would not create an international division, rumors said the Jacksonville Jaguars might move to London. If they were to have a division, it would likely be based in Europe since they have already played games in London and Munich. As a result, these cities could host expansion teams in the future if the Jaguars move to London to form an international division.

MLB London Series in 2019 where the Rex Sox faced off against the New York Yankees (Photographer: Hammersfan Source: Wikipedia Commons Date: June 30, 2019).

Ultimately, these moves showcase the efforts of professional sports leagues to expand internationally. Globalizing is suitable for these leagues since they can spread their popularity worldwide. As a result, they will be able to capitalize on the revenue the international fans will bring. Overall, if there are international expansion teams in the upcoming years, it will be because the major sports leagues are intrigued by the potential.

