Completing Bootcamp

Spencer Tranter
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2016

Bootcamp has been an intense eight weeks of stress and satisfaction. Over my small amount of time here I learnt more than I had in two years of a university degree I thought would shape me into the developer I now am. That’s not to say it came easily, there are a few tips I would give to those who are planning on or even just thinking about starting a program such as this.

The first is not to worry about always having the answer, but to instead focus on how to find the answer. Learning how to learn is arguably one of the hardest things to do, everyone teaches a different way and no two guides are ever the same. It takes time to learn programming lingo and what to look for when searching for your answer. The internet and those around you are key to your success in this. Take the time to read those articles that make no sense to you, look up terms you don’t understand and most importantly keep searching. The internet is full of answers from years of others working together on problems just like you are going to face. Use this to learn and and grow as a developer, the answers are worth working for.

My last piece of advice is keep your goals in sight. Final projects are eight weeks away from your starting point and that time goes by faster then you could imagine. As you learn, take the time to think about app ideas and build on those as you increase your knowledge. It’s important to give these plans time for refinement and growth. Being able to jump right into that project with a well thought goal in mind sets you on a path for success.

Final projects are the pinnacle of work here at bootcamp. Our project Sportsello, (, has been a great chance to test our skills working in a team and under pressure. I am very excited with what we were able to accomplish and I know we will continue to work on it after bootcamp ends. Eight weeks of intense work can seem like a lot but going through it with the right mindset will let you take away the knowledge to start your career.

