Dear NFL

It’s not me it’s you

Carmen Storm
3 min readFeb 13, 2017


I feel like I am more into you, than you are into me.

There are only so many options in a sequence of plays. Only so many ways to put points on the board. Only so many players who move on and off the field. I need more!

Here are a couple of ideas to spice things up.

First of all, eliminate punting. Is there anything more pathetic than punting? What a lame ass way to end your chance to score. Every single time I see a 4th-and-short I yell — go for it! If I come back in my next life as an NFL coach, I will go for it every time. It disgusts me to see a 4th and inches and the play called tries to get ….. you guessed it — inches. Lord, how much did we pay for this? I don’t want to see ‘just enough’. I want to see ‘all you’ve got’ all the time! Without the option to punt, these plays will go balls out every play. (Pun intended)

This will result in very high scoring games and the plays will be WAY more exciting. It will also change the way players are selected since there will be a huge difference in the skills required. And guess what hotshots? These teams are going to need more than one superstar quarterback! (I’m thinking five or six.)

Another idea I have been thinking about is changing the ways to impact the score. Specifically, I recommend coming up with ways for points to be deducted vs. added. Now you may be thinking that there aren’t enough points to begin with to start deducting them, but hold on — when we eliminate punting, the scores will go through the roof! They are going to have to add a third digit to every scoreboard in the country. How in the world would points be deducted? Well — lots of ways. Missed a field goal or extra point? Lose a point. Challenged a call and lost? Instead of losing a time out, lose a point. Or here’s my favorite — your quarterback got sacked? Lose a point! (Why don’t they already have this?!) And sure, you can have a negative score. How’s that for motivational? These are just simplistic ideas from my admittedly novice football watching experience and I am sure given the opportunity, the experts could come up with plenty to get this party started.

How invigorating it would be to change the NFL! It would reenergize the entire industry. Combine these changes with lower ticket prices and unlimited beer refills and the possibilities are endless. It’s time for change! A touch down has been worth 6 points since 1912 and field goal has been 3 points since 1909! It’s been over One Hundred Years people.

Aren’t you bored yet?

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Carmen Storm

Writing about the strange and various things that interest me