How Bad is Ben Simmons?

Breaking The Glass
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2021


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He’s not. He actually gets an unnecessary bad wrap.

I would hate to live in a world where a player who can defend all 5 positions, be one of the most gifted passers in the league, and can virtually do everything well besides shoot be called a bad basketball player.

Imagine being top tier in every category besides one, and people are calling you bad.

Let’s break down some of the reasons why some people have the audacity to call Ben Simmons bad.

He Cannot Shoot

It is abundantly clear that Simmons’ glaring weakness is his shooting ability, or lack thereof. I have less of a problem with his shooting ability than his unnecessary stubborn like persistent unwillingness to attempt a jump shot.

I have ridiculed Westbrook profusely for not having a jump shot, it is only fair that I keep that same energy with Simmons.

I normally have no sympathy for star players who don’t have a jump shot, especially if they’ve been in the league for a couple of years.

They have access to the world’s best trainers, coaches and facilities, yet you aren’t able to do something as remedial on the professional basketball level in shooting.

What really grinds my gears is the fact that all these players can shoot lights out…



Breaking The Glass

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