Knife found at OJ Simpson’s former home — is it the murder weapon after all these years?!?

Paul Dughi
Published in
1 min readMar 4, 2016

The Los Angeles Police Department announced that a knife has been found at an estate formerly owned by O.J. Simpson. The murder weapon used in the 1994 deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman was never recovered.

TMZ reported that a construction worker found the knife SEVERAL YEARS AGO and gave it to an off-duty police officer. The police officer KEPT IT IN HIS HOME before finally giving it the the department this year. TMZ did not report when the knife was found, but the home was destroyed in 1998.

“It is being treated as we would all evidence” — LAPD Capt. Andy Neiman to FOX News.

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PHOTO CREDIT: By derivative work: Everyme (talk)O.J._Simpson_1990_·_DN-ST-91–03444.JPEG: Gerald Johnson — O.J._Simpson_1990_·_DN-ST-91–03444.JPEG, Public Domain,

