The 25 Most Overrated NBA Players of All Time

Iverson, Kobe, Melo, Isiah, Nique, Rose, Russ, and more… let’s hurt some feelings!

Brandon Anderson


Overrated is a spicy, hot-take word. What does it mean to be overrated? Who rates players, and who decides which guys are overrated or underrated? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and player ranking is a mostly subjective thing, but with the help of a little perspective and some key numbers and statistics, we can put players in proper context.

It’s not the worst sin in the world to be overrated. In order to be overrated, one must first be good, probably very good — just not necessarily as great as you think. Calling a player overrated does not mean they’re bad or even average. It just means history tends to hold them in higher regard than it ought to.

This is not about dumping on players from old eras that couldn’t cut it in today’s league. Of course the game has advanced and players nowadays are more athletic and more skilled. But fans are more advanced in 2019 too, and just volume and points aren’t enough anymore. Basketball is about winning a team game, and accomplishments like All-Star appearances and making the Hall of Fame should be really meaningful.

So who are the most overrated players in NBA history? Let’s hurt some feelings and count them down from 25 to 1…



Brandon Anderson

Sports, NBA, NFL, TV, culture. Words at Action Network. Also SI's Cauldron, Sports Raid, BetMGM, Grandstand Central, Sports Pickle, others @wheatonbrando ✞