The 12 Worst Head Coaches In NFL History

Some coaches are ‘organizational CEOs’. Some coaches are brilliant tacticians. Some coaches are legendary leaders of men. These guys are none of the above.

Rajan Nanavati
Published in
9 min readFeb 24, 2020


In 1969, Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull co-authored a satirical book titled “The Peter Principle,” in which they outlined the idea that in an business organization’s hierarchy, previously competent employees will be promoted upwards until a point at which they’ve risen to a position for which they are no longer competent.

Or, as Peter would put it: “In time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties.”

In terms of NFL head coaches, consider the following list as Exhibits #1 through #13 of the aforementioned ‘Peter Principle.’ These are the guys who were elevated to a position for which, as history would tell us, they were grossly unqualified.

Presenting, for your reading pleasure: the 12 worst head coaches in NFL history (who coached at least 10 games), ranked in order of career winning percentage.

12. Frank Kush

Career Winning Percentage: 0.275



Rajan Nanavati

Father. Husband. Indian American. Sports Junkie. Marketing Dude. Freelance Writer. Productivity Zealot. Enthusiastic Gourmand.