The 35 Biggest Scandals, Controversies, and Conspiracies in Sports History

Rajan Nanavati
Published in
21 min readNov 20, 2019


Regardless of how we might think of ourselves individually, it’s a proven fact that people, as a whole, are drawn to “dramatic events.” There are entire genres of literature based on dramatic stories. We create movies about them. Heck, as terrible as Soap Operas are, they still draw loyal fans who can’t wait for the next series of twists and turns.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise, then, that the world of sports encompasses its own drama. After all, the athletes and the people involved are humans just the same. And when it comes to sports, many of the dramas involve what happened during the sporting events themselves, but even more often what happens in between the events.

For example, here is our list of 35 of the biggest scandals, controversies, and conspiracies from the sports world.

The Black Sox Scandal

No, the “Black Sox” weren’t an old-school baseball team from the early 20th century that was eventually renamed. Rather, “The Black Sox Scandal” refers to arguably the most blatant case of a team “throwing” the outcome of a game — or in this case, the World…



Rajan Nanavati

Father. Husband. Indian American. Sports Junkie. Marketing Dude. Freelance Writer. Productivity Zealot. Enthusiastic Gourmand.