Tom Brady is a Hall of Famer not Once but TWICE

Wrapping Our Minds Around the Most Legendary Career in Football History

Chuck Miller
Published in
9 min readJan 28, 2021


A certain pliability spokesman is causing widespread misery in the sports world yet again, in turn bringing this contrarian great joy at all the jealousy and manufactured suffering. Go ahead and be that way if you want, but you’re missing the greatest sports story of our lifetimes.

This is Babe Ruth, Joe Louis, Wayne Gretsky, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, or any of the other all-time greats, and you’re stubbornly turning your back because you think he “wins too much.” Well yeah… that winning part is the whole point of greatness.

I can’t even believe I’m addressing DeflateGate, but let’s just get it out of the way early. If you really still buy that weak argument — if that’s the best reason you can come up with for hoping he fails and you’re stubbornly sticking with it — I’m afraid I’m wasting my breath, or keyboard strokes as the case may be. On the off chance there’s a shred of open-mindedness left in your barren soul, check out a documentary called Four Games in Fall and let me know if that doesn’t let the air out of your deflated footballs claim. #DeflateThis

When you root for him to fail, you’re not even really rooting for talent to fail as much as you’re rooting for…



Chuck Miller

I wrote Will Little Roo Ever…?, a children’s picture book, and Inside the Mind of an Iron Icon, a strength training book.