The Top 20 Playoff Teams LeBron James Has Defeated

The 2016 Warriors and 2013 Spurs top the list, but what other great teams has LeBron beaten over the years?

Brandon Anderson


THE GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS BLEW A 3–1 LEAD TO LEBRON JAMES. Maybe you’ve heard. That 2016 title was the greatest moment of LeBron’s career and certainly the best opponent James has ever defeated. But which opponents rank next? How do the 2012 Thunder and 2013 Spurs stack up, and which Eastern Conference opponents were best?

James has won 38 playoff series in his career — and counting — but not every playoff foe needs to be ranked. We’ll rank the top 20 playoff opponents LeBron has vanquished based on the entirety of their regular season and playoffs and their overall statistical profile.

So who are the greatest playoff opponents LeBron has ever defeated?


Remembered as strong foes because they rose to the challenge, these teams struggled through forgettable regular seasons before their heroic final push.

20. 2015 Chicago Bulls (ECS)



Brandon Anderson

Sports, NBA, NFL, TV, culture. Words at Action Network. Also SI's Cauldron, Sports Raid, BetMGM, Grandstand Central, Sports Pickle, others @wheatonbrando ✞