European #SportsTech Report 2018

Benjamin Penkert
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2018

We’re excited to present you the first comprehensive view on the European SportsTech ecosystem.

The report comes to you as mix of data driven insights and interviews with people at the core of a fast moving and thrilling ecosystem.

We’re covering experts, 24 startups, investors & dealflow, accelerator & incubator programs as well as events and other initiatives.

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People in the report

“The European SportsTech scene is gaining traction” is a phrase you hear quite o en these days. And when you speak to people or visit related events you feel that this phrase is absolutely true. But there have been two things missing so far from our perspective: Firstly, a reliable fact based view of the market, to grasp its actual size and development. And secondly, an overview of the involved people and projects, to showcase opportunities and success stories. We believe that with this report we’ve created the rst truly comprehensive view on the European SportsTech ecosystem. It has the goal to raise transparency and awareness and to contribute to the further growth of the community. The report will be published annually, as we believe that the most valuable insights come from a continuous view on the market.


Times for European SportsTech are indeed exciting. We have more than 1.000 SportsTech companies in Europe and the invested capital reached a new all time high with about 135 M€ in 2017, after a steady growth and more than tripling compared to 2013. We have strong SportsTech countries and regions, like the UK, France, the Nordics, the German speaking countries, the Iberian countries or the Benelux region, with great startups spreading all over the continent. Big sports organizations are hosting tech events and are applying tech based solutions in their day to day business. New initiatives, projects and events are popping up everywhere. We believe that this is just the beginning of a new era in sports. And Europe is ready for it.

Capital invested

But we’d also like to address one topic which clearly has a lot of room for improvement: Gender diversity in SportsTech. It’s been highlighted in the press recently, it’s obvious when you go to industry events and it was present when we were looking for people to interview for this report. So we hope in a year from now we can present a higher female ratio in this report.

Last but not least we’d like to send some special thanks to our data partner and to all the great people we spoke to. Your contribution was essential for this report. Thank you very much.

Get your report and all direct links to the involved companies at

To all readers: Enjoy the report and feel free to get in touch.

Benjamin Penkert is the Founder of SportsTechX and Head of Consulting at leAD Sports in Berlin. You can get in touch via Linkedin, Twitter or email.

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Benjamin Penkert

Founder of @sportstechx. All about #sportstech and #startups.