SportsTech Framework 2021

Rohn Malhotra
Published in
7 min readMay 13, 2021

A new & improved SportsTechX framework

Earlier this year, the SportsTechX team published the latest editions of our geography based ecosystem reports. We took a fresh look at Europe & North America and expanded our scope to cover the entire Asia-Pacific region including Australia, a very important SportsTech market.

But that wasn’t the only thing that was updated. When publishing our reports, we also take a closer look at our now ubiquitous SportsTechX Framework, the prism through which we look at the entire SportsTech industry. It has proved especially helpful in providing structure to conversations about this fast growing space while also helping identify key trends as it develops further.

Here’s a detailed look at our freshly updated SportsTech framework, especially focusing on what’s changed.

Sector names

In our previous edition we had already started classifying sectors based on their target audience. Now we have doubled down on this approach to include the target in the name of the sector itself, making it easier to understand. What goes under each sector remains the same.

  • For Athletes - Activity & Performance: This is all about the Athletes: professional, amateur or recreational.
  • For Fans - Fans & Content: This is all about the Fans. The end consumer and lover of sports.
  • For Executives - Management & Organisation: This is all about the Sports Executive. Those responsible for or involved in managing sports related entities.

This approach allows for a clearer classification of products and solutions based on who they are targeted towards.

Sub - Sector classifications

Here we’ve made quite a few changes, mainly to simplify things. Some sub-sectors have got new names, to indicate their broader scope. And there is some consolidation to remove the extra sub-sub sectors which didn’t have too many startups under them and perhaps created some confusion.

Let’s get into the changes made per sector.

For Athletes — Activity & Performance

This sector has seen the most change, we have three new sub-sectors. These are:

  • For Activity - Hardware
  • For Activity - Software
  • Before / After Activity

Why have we done this? Well we decided it was better to segregate solutions based on two key parameters:

  1. Hardware vs Software: Whether the product / service is Hardware (any sort of physical products such as wearable devices or sports equipment) or Software (SaaS products or Apps).
  2. For Activity vs Before / After Activity: Whether the product / service is used while performing the sports or fitness activity such as an activity tracker, these are classified as For Training. Or if it is meant to be used Before or After the activity, such as massage guns or injury rehabilitation programs, these are classified as Before / After Training.

Based on the nature of the product and what purpose it serves, it will fall under the correspondingly named sub-sector. Since there are so many solutions For Activity, hardware and software solutions are classified under separate sub-sectors. For Before / After Activity, hardware and software solutions are classified under one sub sector.

Now about the sub-sub sectors under each:

  • For Activity - Hardware: Wearables remains as it was. Game Equipment and Infrastructure have been combined under Equipment & Infrastructure.
  • For Activity - Software: All new sub-sub sector names. Tracking & Analytics include Activity Data trackers and Video Analytics solutions. Classes & Tutorials includes all video based training solutions.
  • Before / After Activity: Booking & Matchmaking is renamed to Booking & Discovery. Injury prevention & Rehabilitation is renamed to Recovery & Injury prevention. Coaching & Recruitment solutions move here from For Executives — Management & Organisation > Organisation & Venues.

For Fans — Fans & Content

This sector has primarily remained the same with some minor adjustments. The 3 sub-sectors are:

  • Content Platforms
  • Fan Experiences
  • Fantasy Sports & Betting

So what’s changed under each?

  • Content Platforms: The sub-sector has been renamed. For the sub-sub sectors, News & Content includes News Aggregators & Original Content platforms. OTT Platforms has been renamed to Streaming Platforms.
  • Fan Experiences: Another renamed sub-sector. Amongst sub-sub sectors, the previously segregated Fan Experiences and Social Platforms are combined under Fan Engagement. Ticketing & Merchandise remains the same.
  • Fantasy Sports & Betting: The only change here is that Fantasy and Betting enablement solutions, previously separate, are clubbed under Enablement. Fantasy Sports and Betting remain the same.

For Executives — Management & Organisation

This sector has also primarily remained the same. The 2 sub-sectors are

  • Organisations & Venues
  • Media & Sponsors

So what’s changed under each?

  • Organisations & Venues: Not too much except that Scouting & Recruitment moved out, as mentioned above. Names are simplified for the other sub-sub sectors to Team & Club Management, League & Event Management and Stadium & Facility Management.
  • Media & Sponsors: Sub-sector renamed. Sub-sub sectors remain the same except that Crowdfunding has been removed entirely since it was too small. Most of these solutions moved to Team & Club Management or Fan Engagement, depending on how they operate.

All sectors, sub-sectors and sub-sub sectors explained

Now that we’ve gone through all the updates in detail, here is a detailed explanation of each level of the framework.

1. For Athletes — Activity & Performance

This sector covers all solutions focused on the Athlete, whether
professional, amateur or recreational. These are related to the actual
sports activity, whether it’s before, during or after it. Common goals are
tracking performance, preventing injuries & finding sports to play.

1.1 For Activity - Hardware: Physical resources worn/used during an
1.1.1 Wearables: Attachments to the body of the athlete or the surface of
playing equipment used.
1.1.2 Equipment & Infrastructure: Movable physical equipment or immovable
resources installed on premises that are used to perform an activity.

1.2 For Activity — Software: Applications or platforms that support the
athlete during the activity, often to improve performance, either through
tracking the activity and providing feedback or by training guidance.
1.2.1 Tracking & Analytics: Tools that capture and track key metrics of sports
activities and provide insights.
1.2.2 Classes & Tutorials: Platforms that provide access to classes, videos
and tutorial guides (both live and on-demand) to be active, learn new
skills and help improve performance.

1.3 Before / After Activity: Hardware or Software solutions that help an
athlete either prepare for an activity they are about to perform or
recover after it.
1.3.1 Booking & Discovery: Platforms to discover and book venues, find
players or sports events locally or while traveling.
1.3.2 Recovery & Injury Prevention: Applications to reduce the likelihood of
injury or help speed-up / ensure recovery.
1.3.3 Coaching & Recruitment: Tools to improve performance by providing
training & guidance or helping connect with coaches and scouts.

2. For Fans — Fans & Content

This sector is all about how sports connects to or is consumed by Fans
and viewers. All of these solutions are focused on the fan and so will
include content, merchandise or betting and fantasy sports. Goals
typically include a better involvement and experience of fans related to
the athletes, teams and sports they like.

2.1 Content Platforms: Platforms that provide access to various forms of
content (both as consumers and creators), either video, audio or text
2.1.1 News & Content: Original / editorial content, often about sports teams
or athletes, or content related to live sports news & results.
2.1.2 Streaming Platforms: Sports streaming platforms, both live and

2.2 Fan Experiences: Solutions and offerings to enhance the sports
experience and to involve fans with their preferred sports, sometimes commercially.
2.2.1 Fan Engagement: Helping fans connect with their favorite athletes,
teams and sports as well as other fans to enhance their experience.
2.2.2 Ticketing & Merchandise: Platforms for fans to purchase, sell or trade
tickets for events or merchandise & memorabilia from teams & athletes.

2.3 Fantasy Sports & Betting: Solutions to place real or play money on
sports events and online games based on real or virtual teams.
2.3.1 Fantasy Sports: Fantasy sports or sports prediction games.
2.3.2 Betting: Platforms to place sports bets.
2.3.3 Enablement: Tools to aid the sports betting industry, bettors or fantasy
sports gamers.

3. For Executives — Management & Organisation

All solutions that help Sports Executives perform their responsibilities.
Whether it’s managing sports facilities, teams, associations, leagues,
events, gyms or media companies. Goals here usually relate to
improving operational efficiency or providing a better experience to the
end consumer.

3.1 Organisations & Venues: Solutions to help sports related organisations
or venues with managing internal operations.
3.1.1 Team & Club Management: Tools for professional or amateur sports
teams, clubs or gyms.
3.1.2 League & Event Management: Tools for organisers of leagues,
tournaments, races or major events.
3.1.3 Stadium & Facility Management: Solutions for stadiums or sports
facilities that help make operations or fan / client organisation easier.

3.2 Media & Sponsors: Solutions that are either for or connect with the
media, or sponsoring brands.
3.2.1 Media Production: Tools to make broadcasting easier and richer.
3.2.2 Sponsorship: Platforms to connect brands with teams and athletes for

Feedback appreciated

Even though the framework is proven-in-practice, there will always be situations in which startups can be assigned to two or even more sub or sub-sub sectors, which simply can not be avoided. We invite everyone to share their feedback as we’re always looking to further optimize our work. And don’t forget to check out our SportsTech database to see the framework applied in reality.

Rohn Malhotra is a Co-Founder at Berlin based SportsTechX — Data & insights about SportsTech startups and the surrounding ecosystem. You can get in touch via LinkedIn or email.



Rohn Malhotra

Co-Founder at SportsTechX | Dog lover and major Sports nerd.