Bonus sent out, tokens burned

Check your wallets — additional bonus for ALL participants in the SportyFi Token Crowdsale has been sent to contributing wallets.

2 min readDec 16, 2017


On November 28, after the USD/ETH price reached record heights, we decided to compensate all participants in our token crowdsale (and presale) with an additional bonus, determined by the price at the end of the sale.

The size of the bonus is 706 SPF for each ETH contributed (not counting any additional bonuses — for which you proportionally get the additional bonus too). The additional SPF Tokens have already been sent to the address you sent your ETH in the crowdsale. If you moved the SPF Tokens to another wallet, the bonus will be sent to your original wallet nonetheless.

SPF Tokens for Founders and Team (18%), SPF Tokens for Advisors and Ambassadors (10%) and SPF Tokens for future incentives for fast growth (e.g. strategic future partnerships) (5%) have also been claimed.

And five days after the end of the crowdsale 129,326,546 SPF Tokens have been burned. The total supply of SPF Tokens is now 70,673,453. 18% of all SPF Tokens, allocated for founders and team, will go on a special smart contract to be locked for one year. The lock-off period will be set on a particular block, estimated to be mined in approximately one year.

The circulating supply is therefore 49,573,003 SPF Tokens.

Need more details? Check out the SportyFi Website or read the SportyFi Whitepaper. And come chat with us on Telegram.



SportyCo — Decentralized sports investment & funding ecosystem