Crowdsale aftermath

A short status update and a heads-up on subsequent activities

3 min readDec 21, 2017


It’s been a wild ride here at SportyFi, and even though a lot of our activities happen hidden from the public eye this doesn’t mean that the team isn’t working hard to stay on track with our roadmap.

What is done?

We had some follow-up activities concerning the crowdsale, and we wrapped them up in a few days after the sale finished. First, we had to calculate all the additional bonuses for all our pre-sale and crowdsale contributors. While the math was simple, the execution wasn’t — we double and triple checked everything and the team can now proudly say that there were no hiccups in the SPF Token distribution — all our contributors got the right amount, without exception.

After claiming and distributing the bonus SPF Tokens we also claimed the tokens for the team, ambassadors and endorsers, and tokens reserved for future partnerships, as outlined in our white paper. And then we burned all remaining SPF Tokens — 129,326,546 of them. This leaves us with a total supply of 70,673,453.9859 SPF Tokens. Founder and team tokens (18% of all SPF Tokens) will go on a special smart contract to be locked for one year.

We have been listed at HitBTC just one day after the end of the crowdsale, with following two days later and some other smaller exchanges proactively listing the SPF Token by themselves. Due to the congestion of the network and a high influx of new users there are some delays and bugs when trading, we are working with exchanges to fix this — but this is not just a SportyFi issue, but a wider problem.

What’s next?

New exchanges will be added to the existing list. We are in talks with several well-known names, and will list the SPF Token to as many exchanges as possible. While the process seems easy, it involves quite some work, especially on the side of exchanges, who are a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Rest assured — we are doing everything to make this happen sooner, not later.

Platform, platform, platform. The development team is hard at work (and we are adding some new faces to the team after the holidays) and is currently working on integrating the blockchain into our alpha, so we will be able to test demo transactions soon. Afterwards, a long journey will begin to iron out all bugs and kinks, and make everything stable enough for our first users. We are on track for a Q1 2018 launch.

There’s a lot of discussion in our community regarding marketing. We have, as probably everyone knows, secured an endorsement from one of the most recognizable faces in sports, Ronaldinho, just a couple of weeks ago. In the following weeks and months, we will build upon this by adding new endorsers and supporters, and by engaging existing ones more. As we are currently flooded on all channels with Santas and his Elfs, we have started conservatively and will add more and more as the launch of the platform comes closer. Our team will be present at several blockchain-related and sports-related events and conferences in the beginning of the next year, and we are planning some surprises also — stay tuned.

Launching the platform is a big milestone for us. We already have several launch partners for the platform and are securing more — so the platform will be alive, not just live, when it launches. Here we are not only focusing on recognizable names (although there are quite some in tow) but also on people who will make the platform thrive: managers, scouts, trainers, etc., who perhaps are not household names (except in professional circles), but are vital for the platform to be a success in the long term.

This is just a short (well, quite long for a blog post, actually) overview of everything that has been done. There are some minor details to wrap up: in the next days, we are moving into new offices (more on that when the boxes are gone and we make presentable pics), adding several people to our marketing team, and checking-off a lot of boring tasks that come with setting up a start-up company.

Need more details? Check out the SportyFi Website or read the SportyFi Whitepaper. And come chat with us on Telegram.



SportyCo — Decentralized sports investment & funding ecosystem