Jernej Damjan visiting the SportyFi HQ

Jernej Damjan, professional ski jumper, was one of the first SportyFi endorsers — even before the SPF Token Crowdsale. He just wrapped up the 2018 Four Hills Tournament, the biggest event in ski jumping every year (outside of the Olympics).

1 min readJan 9, 2018


In the following weeks we will prepare a series of interviews with sports personalities, SportyFi endorsers, supporters and celebs. First to join us is Jernej Damjan, one of the first supporters of SportyFi among athletes. (scroll down for video)

Jernej joined us for an extensive chat with the team, but we decided on wrapping things up with a short (5 minutes) interview on his beginnings in the sports world and on why he decided to support SportyFi. Enjoy.

Need more details? Check out the SportyFi Website or read the SportyFi Whitepaper. And come chat with us on Telegram.



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