Barb and Star Go To Vista del Mar (2021) — Movie Review and Analysis

Giovanni Basta
Spot a Movie
Published in
5 min readAug 22, 2021


Movie Review

Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar is not your typical comedy, definitely no. It’s much more and less more. It’s a specific genre, unique in its style, for a particular audience.

It is a comedy, a romantic film, a musical, an action movie, and a fantasy film. All in one. It’s a hot, kind, funny and incredibly colourful film — silly more than funny, oxygen after the Covid pandemic which lockdown most of us.

The film is a hymn to life, with some essential tips for us. Let us guide you through this adventure because there is a lot of “silly fun time” and something good waiting for us.

Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar — The Story

Barb and Star are lifelong friends. They work in the same shop, have the same “ladies club”, and share everything they do. Then, one day, the routine of their lives changes. Both of them lose their job and “ladies club” membership.

When everything seems lost, they find their adventurous spirit again and decide to leave the small Midwestern for an exciting vacation to Vista del Mar in Florida. Barb and Star leave back their lives and bring with them the desire to live life and make memories together.

Their hunger for joy and holidays need to meet Sharon’s desire for revenge. She is planning to kill the people of Villa del Mar, but her plan is not perfect.

  • Will Barb and Star prevent the evil project?
  • What will happen to Barb and Star?
  • And what we can learn from this adventure?

Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar — Analysis and Insights — (SPOILERS)

(Spolier Alert. Be sure that you watched the movie before you continue)

We think that it worths mentioning that this film received three nominees:

  • Bruin Film Society Awards — Best Original Song;
  • Costume Designers Guild Awards — Excellence in Contemporary Film;
  • MTV Movie + TV Awards — Best Duo;

And the film is mentioned on the “Top 10 Best Movies of 2021” for WatchMojo.

It sounds like a good introduction because, although its genre is for a specific target of viewers, the film delivers some “colourful entertainment”, some positive messages and a bit of the feeling of a vacation.

1. The Friendship Celebration

“Isn’t that what we all want: a little love, friendship, and adventure?” How to contradict this quote from the movie? Barb and Star are the perfect advertisement for true friendship. There is no love or lies which can break a solid relationship.

True friends know how to forgive, the way to support each other. But, also, where to find the inspiration to awaken all of your friend’s best qualities.

There is no doubt that they are an inspiration for us, and we loved this side of the movie.

2. The Goodness of a Bad News

Imagine losing your job and your “friends” in just one day. Terrible, right? But Barb and Star decide to go out of their comfort zone and challenge all of their fears and perplexities about the Villa del Mar adventure.

They decide to transform a bad day in the beginning of their mission to taking back control of their lives. The standard routine of their daily lives didn’t provide anything to their existence.

The job and the ease of their habits paused their lives. The truth is that we have so much to enjoy in our world that we often forget about this.

Then thanks to Star and Barb to remind us that bad news doesn’t always come to ruin our lives;sometimes, it can be the beginning of a new version of us. A better one.

3. The Sad Reality of Bullying

Sharon’s drama is not the centre of the attention, but it’s the bitter taste of this happy story. Her pale white skin and sensitivity to the sun made her a target of bullying.

Picture from the movie

She grew up without friends, except the one eaten by an alligator. Sharon was humiliated in Villa del Mar and, therefore, she prepares her revenge.

Fortunately, her vengeance won’t be that bad, and life will offer a second chance also to Sharon.

4. Love, This Incredible Gift

Both Barb and Star forgot the beautiful emotions of a love story. So they secretly seek it during their trip. They meet Edgar, Sharon’s secret lover, and they try to seduce him in any way. They were even coming to the point where they cheat on each other.

Edgar romantically lives love, perhaps also a bit in a sick way. He needs to be loved, Edgar wants to feel love, and he tries everything to reach his goal. And he will succeed when he gets free of his obsession with Sharon.

Love needs to be healthy to be the noble emotion we know. Otherwise, it’s just that destroying feeling carried by Edgar. So let’s be wise in our life to recognise the good ones from the bad ones. So there is a lot of happiness to enjoy it.

To summarise, the film looks similar to a new Austin Powers but with two ladies instead. Funny, for who likes this kind of comedy, and brilliant in his own genre. It’s a movie made to cheer up and rediscover the joy of life.

It’s the beauty to remember all the colours and joys around us, especially after the difficult time that the COVID pandemic brought to us.

We want to conclude with a wise quote from the movie because there are important notes for us in the film’s silliness:

You can only be a friend if you are a friend to yourself first. That is where you find your truth.

Tommy Bahama

Our final rating is 6.5/10

Where can you watch Barb and Star Go To Vista del Mar

The movie is currently available on Hulu. but check this link to see where you can watch it in your country.

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Giovanni Basta
Spot a Movie

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