Mimi (2021) — Movie Review and Analysis

Giovanni Basta
Spot a Movie
Published in
10 min readAug 30, 2021

Mimi — Introduction

When a movie lets you laugh, cry, think and inspire you to become a better person, it means that the film is a must-watch. Mimi is precisely one of the movies that belong to this category.

2021 is the year of incredible Indian’s movies. Mandela, Malik, Pachchis, Joji, to mention some of them. Mimi is one of our favourites this year, and we will explain to you our reasons.

Laxman Utekar is the director, and the stars on the scene are the gorgeous and phenomenal Kriti Sanon (Mimi), Sai Tamhankar (Shama) and Pankaj Tripathi (Bhanu).

Mimi — The Story

In 2013 an American couple is looking for a surrogate in India to bear their baby. The research isn’t easy, but new possibilities appear when they met Bhanu, the driver. After a couple of funny misunderstandings, Bhanu learns what they need, and the solution is Mimi.

She is a talented, young and beautiful dancer who dreams of becoming the next Bollywood’s star. However, there is a significant obstacle to her career. She doesn’t have the money to pay for photos and video books. Bhanu has a plan which can change the lives of all of our characters, and that can satisfy everyone’s dreams.

  • Will Bhanu succeed?
  • Is Mimi going to be a movie’s star?
  • Will the Americans have their baby?
  • And what are we going to learn from this beautiful story?

Mimi — Review, Analysis and Insights

(This section contains SPOILERS, we suggested to watch the movie first and then enjoy it.)

The film takes inspiration from another beautiful movie: Mala Aai Vhhaychy. It lasts for 2 hours and 12 minutes, definitely intense, funny and inspiring. Time well spent, we promise it.

1. Life is a journey. Just enjoy the ride.

One of the fantastic songs in the movie says this sentence. It’s the perfect way to describe the film. The path will be different, but not the destination. It is what happens to our characters and, perhaps, also to us.

Every character has its goals to achieve. Summer and John want a baby; Mimi dreams of becoming a Bollywood’s diva. Bhanu found the deal of his life helping the Americans. Mimi’s parents want to have her married and with children. It seems easy but, as for everything in life, there is always a price to pay. And when their stories crossed each other, everything change for all of them.

All of them will reach something. It won’t be easy. But, it’s the journey of life; this is what the film is teaching us. We should never give up and, even if things don’t go as planned, we should remind ourselves that life is to enjoy the ride and make good memories of it. It’s a fortune to have the chance already.

Bhanu, John and Summer

2. The comedy life’s cycle

The movie offers three phases and moods; it builds an engaging climax and reaches its purpose.

First Part

The beginning is the celebration of life. First, we laugh because of the misunderstandings between Bhanu and the Americans. Then because of Bhanu’s plan to persuade Mimi. Then, finally, we have the part of the legendary now, “Param Sundari“, gorgeously delivered by the director and Kriti Sanon. It’s all focused on the dreams and expectations of our characters. They captured us with their enthusiasm, colours and desire to live and be happy.

Central Part

Good things, usually, never come alone. Therefore, troubles change the moods of everyone. All the lies built by Mimi start to fall apart. John and Summer gave up on their baby and abandon Mimi. Mimi’s parents discover the humiliations and the lies of her daughter. What the director does excellently is to add a new element of surprise step by step.

For example, Mimi’s parents found out about her pregnancy but, not even the time to breathe, and they discover that the father is Bhanu. Immediately later that he is potentially a Muslim and that he has another wife. It’s a crescendo that leads us to the perfect climax.

Last Part

After laughing, it’s now time to confront the reality. The paths are not the ones that our characters wanted; there are obstacles. But, the life of everyone got some improvements. Mimi is happy with Raj. Her parents found the joy they were missing in their house with the baby. Bhanu, as a good driver, brought Mimi to a lovely destination.

Not the one she wanted, because life is not paradise, but one that made her happy. Shama smiles again, looking at Mimi and Raj. But happiness doesn’t come without pain, right? So, John and Summer came back to reclaim their baby after seeing him dancing with Mimi on Facebook.

When it seems that the climax reached its peak, the film adds more to the scene. And it’s something powerful, life-changing, which makes tears of happiness in our eyes. After the struggle, Summer decides to leave Raj to Mimi and adopts an Indian baby. The perfect ending and the moment for clapping and release the adrenaline. The climax reached its peak, and we learn good things.

3. The fantastic character arc for everyone

If we look at each character initially and then at the movie’s end, we feel happy for their evolution. The film teaches that everyone can change and forgive mistakes because “the good” is inside each of us. However, we need to wake it up sometimes. Raj is who changes their lives, adding first desperation and later joy to their lives. Not that Raj did anything special.

He reminds them of the beautiful things of life, and when they start to focus on him, everyone is happy instead of focusing on problems and mistakes. We told you that there is a lot to learn and enjoy with Mimi.

The moment when the character’s arc is completed

Summer and John learn the disbenefits of being selfish and don’t dream of a perfect life. Mimi understands how to give. If previously she focused on her dreams, nice life and career, now she cares about Raj and gives herself to him. And she does till the point where she decides to give him back to his genetic parents to avoid him sufferance, sacrificing herself.

What matters is that everyone can change. We need time and focus on the real priorities of life. Precisely as we have recently seen with Cruella.

4. Who is the mother? Science vs Life

It’s the question that brings the film. Science makes it possible for John and Summer to have the baby. But, it’s always science that wrongly diagnosed Down Syndrome for their child. What matters is life. Mimi decides to keep Raj and raise, despite all the difficulties. At the end of the film, Summer’s decision seems the perfect way to solve the case.

5. Money rules over everything

Another song mentions this critical sentence. We have already some experiences in our past reviews with Pachchis“, “Shiva Baby“, or “No Sudden Move.” John and Summer want a baby, and they have the money to reach their goals.

Bhanu, for a small part of those, creates chaos in his life. Mimi needs the money to go to Mumbai, and the pregnancy is an “easy” way to reach her dream. But, easy money always brings troubles and, like a coin flip on the air, you will never know how it will end up.

6. Music and Param Sundari

The soundtracks in Mimi are great. Rihaayi De, Yaane Yaane, Rock a bye baby are some of those. But the epic scene is the “Param Sundari” dance which is now viral on social media. Vocals by Shreya Ghoshal and music by A.R. Rahman, the whole song is catchy and engaging.

Param Sundari — The epic dance

The director phenomenally arranged the dance scene. It’s spectacular, full of colours thanks to the costume, each frame seems to be a perfect photo, and Kriti Sanon transforms this moment into legend. Kudos to the whole cast.

7. Religion vs Superstition

Mimi doesn’t appear sure of Bhanu’s offer, but at a certain point, she changes her mind. In a few minutes, the director shows us the eternal discussion between superstition and religion.

Mimi goes to the priest to get his prayers and blessing to become a Bollywood star, but something goes wrong. The priest blesses her for a handsome husband and a baby. Mimi, certainly not satisfied by his words, turns herself and finds Bhanu.

He tries again to convince her but, suddenly, something powerful happens. Bhanu pronounces the 20 lakhs offer and tells her that this is a sign of God to donate her the money to become a Bollywood star.

At the exact moment, Mimi steps into a cow’s dung. According to the Indian’s superstition or religion, the cows are sacred and touching their excrements bring good luck. It’s the perfect combination that changes Mimi’s mind and lets the movie move forward.

The moment that changes the story. Mimi and Bhanu

Also, when Mimi’s delivers the white baby, the whole village remains shocked. But, even for this situation, there is a clear explanation: she overate fabric chalk. It’s the logical explanation coming from the clothes sellers.

Mimi is a dancer, and dancing is one of the ancestral rites to asks the gods for fertility. A shaman usually, initiates the ceremony dancing till reaching a status of trans. The sensual movements of the belly are exactly to shows the gods the request for fertility. Also, the rhythm of the feet on the ground is necessary to get the gods’ attention. So people ask for fertility to have a good harvest of fruit and products from the land. Sacred and profane, again, are essential elements of our story.

Religion and superstition are two crucial assets of our evolution as humans, and the film delivers this concept marvellously.

8. The abortion option

Another incredible lesson brought by Mimi is the abortion theme. John and Summer come from a materialistic society where everything must be perfect. They can’t stand the idea of an unperfect baby with Down syndrome. Without even taking a night to think, they immediately ask Mimi to get rid of the baby. Mimi, instead, delivers a thoughtful consideration: why killing a baby is a crime while making an abortion is not? In the end, in both situations, the baby is alive.

It’s a hot topic, and we, like the movie, can’t judge anyone. But we think that this is an important lesson.

9. The multicultural world and the strong message

The film informs us that more than 153 million children are orphans and waiting for adoption. Together they will form the 9th country in the world. It’s scary and sad. Especially if we consider how many couples can’t conceive a baby. The solution is simple, but the bureaucracy makes it complicated. We genuinely hope that Mimi can bring joy and help to sort this worldwide issue.

In particular, because the movie’s end teaches us how we can easily build a multicultural world. John and Summer bring into America an Indian’s girl, saving her from a terrible destiny. Raj, a white American, becomes the perfect boy of an Indian mum. Colours, countries, ideals don’t matter when life draws the paths of our lives. So, Mimi taught us, let’s do our part now.

Mimi — The multicultural society

Mimi — Pros and Cons


The story is inspiring, full of life, dreams and ambitions. We felt that we couldn’t take our eyes off the screen. The music smoothly supports every scene and brings mood and intensity. The dance’s scene is epic. The alert and message the film brought us worth already a standing ovation. We think Mimi is one of the best movies of 2021, without any doubt.


We should be picky and annoying trying to find defects to a lovely film. Instead, we want to report only one incongruence in the script. When Summer and John agreed to Mimi’s payment solution, they said it would be delivered incrementally. Fifty thousand rupees every month for the first nine months and the rest after the delivery.

They never paid the whole sum to Mimi, although the lawyer said that Mimi didn’t have any chance to succeed because of the contract. Potentially they had an excellent card to play, but, fortunately, it wasn’t necessary. The end is the best one possible.

And some scenes are a bit too long. For example, when Bhanu meets with Shama’s father. It’s a part not necessary or that at least could take less time. Anyway, again, it’s an inspiring movie, well-crafted and to recommend to everyone.

Our final rating is 9/10

Where you can watch Mimi

The movie is currently available on Netflix but check this link to see where you can watch it in your country.

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Giovanni Basta
Spot a Movie

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