Photo by Phil Botha on Unsplash

Midnight Meets Me

Paras Ali
Spot On


I always find myself gravitated towards enchanting midnight. Nighttime is more alive than the energy-depleting day but if only met with silence.

A few days back , there was a calling from the heart to stare the stars so, I turned on the lantern to beacon night in the room.

Picture by the writer.

I opened my gallery window. A soft breeze flooded from the tresses of the palm trees to the money plants lining the corners and then settling like a mist on the pores of my skin.

A fleece of quietude enveloped me, accompanied by whispering cicadas. It was the type of calm that harnessed tornadoes and tsunamis. In the midnight, clouds overhead formed multiple shapes and patterns, and as they say, the wild meets you as per your own expectations.

So did I meet that fairy night?

The night dressed like a sleek lioness with its aura of majesty, prowess, and strength. It embraced me, and the hugging hush turned off the lantern. I was punctuated, and it broke all the atoms of my flesh. The glaciers of egos started to melt. Joint by joint, drop by drop, I saw, I and My flowing through my eyes.

I picked up all those particles, so unkempt, so unclean, and so greasy.

Had my heart never brushed away the dust in all those years?

I have seen hundreds of people on busy roads, train stations, airports, and everywhere, but why did my own self look so strange to me? Was I watching myself for the first time?

I was entirely under possession, like a deer; it could hunt me, but the charcoal lioness cloaked my multitude of imperfections. It filled its magic potion with the salty scent of my tears and lulled me to sleep.

In those half-awakened dreams, I saw myself unleashed from human expectations, bonds, and yearnings. A place where passport and identity cards were not asked for, and the bridge of social status stood nowhere. I glided over the cataracts of anonymity and no muscle came in between.

But nothing lasts forever , I had to come back to complete my journey .

The lioness Night dropped me back to my bed, and in that moment, I felt myself so tiny, so small, and so pocket-sized like a dwarf.

Where did the entire weight of being go? If I am a smallest speck, who is the Mightiest ?

And suddenly, the Adhan came: “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest).

I woke up and geared myself up for another day.

Spot on you were really missed ❤️🌟.

