Blazing fast: The Spotcoin digital currency’s stellar test run

2 min readApr 13, 2018


Spotcoin built its smart contract according to NEO’s new NEX ICO template, and O3 tested it.

Photo by Blake Connally on Unsplash

We are happy to be part of the NEO family, and we were thrilled to be one of the first to create our smart contracts following the new NEX ICO template. Following the NEP5 standard, NEO wants to implement all future ICOs using this model. Our mobile wallet partner O3 took our smart contract for a test ride.

We were all curious about the results.

What thrilled us most about the smart contract was the transaction speed: tokens were sent and received in under two minutes, a big step up for eager ICO investors.

After in-depth tests, O3 determined that all methods worked as expected, both for adjusted and non-adjusted arguments. That means that even after playing with numbers and manipulating them back and forth, everything worked as we wanted and predicted.

O3 was impressed by the work of our talented IT team, and Spotcoin was selected to become the first ICO to be listed in the O3 wallet. O3 makes interacting with the NEO blockchain from your mobile device simpler than ever.

That ties in perfectly with Spotcoin’s mission to make digital currencies work for everyone.


Take a look at our complete ICO offering here.

Read our Whitepaper here, for more details.

Come join the smart economy at, where we make digital currencies work for everyone.

Private Sale: open now — Private Placement investors may submit their KYC /AML applications now. US investors will also be required to demonstrate proof of accredited investor status.

Public Sale — Opens May 1, 2018. Residents and citizens from the US, China & South Korea are excluded from the public sale.




Spotcoin makes digital currencies work for everyone through quick, simple trading. Digital exchange set to open in beta in Dec. 2018.