How Much Cost to Create a Smart Food Delivery Marketplace Like UberEats?

SpotnEats-App Development Company
7 min readNov 16, 2020


One of the promising business ideas that suit the current scenario as well as the future is the creation of an online food delivery marketplace and every entrepreneur thrived to look for the chance to bring new advances in the food delivery industry.

The revenue statistical measures predicted that the total revenue of the online food delivery segment is expected to reach 136,431 million USD in 2020. Further, this value is increased to be 182327 m USD in 2024. These figures are notable indicators for the professionals to start the food delivery business and make the revenue heavily.

The arrival of various players constitutes a competitive business environment and standing differently in this market requires some specific features and imperative workflows. During pandemic situations, the influence of online food delivery apps is highly observed. Still more years, this panic prevents customers from in-store buying.

People start to purchase the food items from mobile-based food ordering and delivery applications and experience the convenience in what we get. Fulfilling the customer’s expectations on their economic bound depends on various factors, that are risky too. Identifying them and finding their opt solution is an important thing for the new food delivery startup professionals.

Risky Factors & Solutions in Mobilized Food Delivery Business

Being a profitable player in the food delivery platform is not a single step achievement and this considers various factors in real-time also. Suppose if you wish to be the new food delivery startup, then you must know the risky factors and associated solutions that will guide you in a positive direction.

Competitive Market

Since the well-experienced and the giant app-based platforms like UberEats, Swiggy, etc are already running in the market currently, competing with them and capturing the market by your business are not easy things. Service offerings can be different from these players and must be the necessary thing for you to create your own marketplace.

Attracting a huge range of customers and turning them into potential customers for your business surely depends on how you implement the new ways in your business. Hence, you must create a fruitful partnership with the food delivery marketplace solution creators and proceed with the advanced metrics and the attractive user interface.

Go Low-Level Restaurants Rather Big

In the market, a number of big restaurants are available. Since they are becoming popular, the low-level restaurants or the home-based cook professionals have no chance to capture the market. Make them your partners and provide the chance to promote their brand values across the big players. This will surely increase your partnership count and easy expansion for your business.

Ensure UI/UX Stability Across Panels

This is the unique part of the food delivery business where the suitability of UI/UX across all the panels of the stakeholders must be assured. Creating the user-fit platform for all the stakeholders involved in the business like admin, restaurant players, delivery players, and the customers is not the easy thing.

Hence, it is necessary to build a stable partnership with the food delivery app solution providers for providing a unique purchasing experience to the customers.

Focus on Opt Feature Rather All

As per the region where you are going to launch and the customer behavior, the features may get varied. It is not necessary for all the features to be included in your business model where it consumes more time and cost.

For the quick launch of an affordable solution, the features perfectly fit called MVP should be selected properly. Hence, your digital app platform provider develops the perfect fit app with the necessary MVP features in order to increase the monetary value of the business.

Besides these challenges, finding the reputed solution providers where are the responsible persons to transform your simple idea into a profitable business is also the critical one for you. But, the selection is confined into two metrics namely time and cost. Asking questions related to these metrics prior to making the contract surely provides the right way.

Specific Changes for Food Delivery Platforms During Post Pandemic

The online food delivery services are already familiar in the market during the pre-pandemic situation. The post-pandemic situation also brings an additional boost up to the food delivery business that also brings new stakeholders into the industry.

Due to the drastic changes in customer behavior and the growing popularity of food delivery apps, the food delivery industry is now becoming a billion-dollar market. The customer-base and the investments also scaled up into new limits. This also brings some unique changes in the market. They are listed as follows.

Social promotional

The promotional channels are widening with the arrival of social media platforms. Every participant in the food delivery business model is encouraged to register via a social media account. This facilitates the tracking process as an easy one in the market.

Feature Detailings

Making customer engagement stronger than previous via content-based, screenshots, images and videos is an important requirement nowadays. To meet these criteria, the included features must be supporting one. Identification of such features and inclusion are time-consuming things.

Personalization Experience

Compared to the traditional in-store food purchasing, the online app-based models make the personalization experience as strong. With the integration of social media platforms, the behavior of the customers is continually racked and the workflow is optimized accordingly.

With these top 3 changes, new discount offers, review-based restaurant selection, etc arrive recently in the market. To adapt to these changes, the common template is not a suitable thing. This transforms the static into the dynamic or digital platform to make a huge range of customers start to utilize our platform.

What are all the Cost Determinants of Food Delivery Apps Like UberEats?

One of the familiar processes now observed in the app development market is to create food delivery applications like UberEats. Even though the large size app development players are available, the selection constraints for the business professionals are time and cost. Among them, the cost is the most important one to select the opt app development players and it depends on various values.

Platform Selection

As we all know the platforms available in the market are two such as Android, iOS. The cost variation with respect to the platform is more. When the application running in one platform is required to be changed for other platforms, the changes in the code directly contribute cost value.

Team Size

Since the app development is teamwork, the total count value of the number of people allowed to develop the app is also taken into consideration during cost fixing. Generally, the small commitment team with sound knowledge works better than the big group. While you go for a big company, the size of the developer is high and hence the cost value is also high.

Changing your idea towards hiring a small team of more-efficient players protects you from the wastage

App Types

Based on the workflow of your food delivery business, there are two categories observed. Restaurants collect the food orders, process them and also they themselves set the delivery player on their own. The second model is the order-only model where this model allows the restaurant owners to collect the orders from the customer only. Here, you can play the admin role and you are responsible to collect the independent delivery players into the single domain. I.e food delivery marketplace.

Based on the above factors, the cost value is decided across all over the world. But, the professionals always prefer the min-max criteria. I.e minimum cost, maximum features. The on-demand app development industry has a solution through outsourcing concepts. By outsourcing your app development, the cost value is confined to your expected limits.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop Smart Food Delivery Application in Mobilized Space?

The cost and the time value spent on app development are the directly proportional metrics where the increase in one has a direct influence on others. Many of the app developers just create the marketing trap for the entrepreneurs by saying the cost value is 10000 USD- 22000 USD. But, the real fact is different.

To develop the basic food delivery app, the overall time consumption will be around 1275+ and the hourly cost rate is 50 USD. The total amount lies at 63000+ USD for UberEats like applications. The price value might be looking high for the startup owners like you.

In order to cut down the cost value, looking for the white label solution is an optimal solution for them and this also suits your business needs effectively. The balanced cost value for the development of an effective UberEats food delivery application is around 30000 USD to 50000 USD. Suppose if you wish to create a web-app for restaurants, then the cost value will be extended from 50k USD to 60k USD.


Starting the online food delivery business surely contributes to your growth in the future as per the projected figures of the food app development industry. On the basis of the various factors, the cost value of the food delivery app development gets varied. But, the overall cost highly depends on the hourly cost rate.

Looking into the market, the hourly cost rate is around 18 USD to 30 USD in India. If you are planning to launch the food delivery business with a cost-effective solution, then make a detailed analysis of the hourly rate variations and the demanding feature inclusion to make the fine decision on the app development company.



SpotnEats-App Development Company

I am working as a senior content writer and ambitious in exploring new advances in on-demand business.