The Homeless in My Home

An update

Christine Morris Ph.D.
2 min readJan 9, 2022


Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

Last Thursday, I succeeded in persuading a homeless man to come and stay in my home. I think I might have saved his life.

Although we have had mild spells, the temperature has been hovering just above zero much of the time. When he arrived with his digital piano, he looked dreadful. I showed him his room and he fell asleep in seconds.

I made a pot of pasta carbonara to eat with him but he slept long. He apparently ate some cold in the night. It seemed he could not eat a whole portion when I gave him a hot bowl of it later.

Yesterday, he went out and when he came back he was extremely cold. I sat opposite him and took his hands between mine to warm them. He had tears in his eyes and could not look at me.

I made some hot soup and gave him a small amount. He liked it and ate all of it. He slept well again last night.

So my loved solitary dwelling has intrusion. What does that matter? My house smells of cigarettes even though he smokes outside. I detest that, but we will wash his clothes. I have had to buy some for him.

He loves his bed. I’m so glad. My daughter leaving left a hole in my home.

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Christine Morris Ph.D.

A life lived deliberately. Degrees earned. Experience. Poet, traveler, living with life limiting illness.